Circa 2021: Notable Releases

I'm enjoying that DVNE album. The clean vocals are slightly grating to my ears, but I've listened to it 4 or 5 times in a row now and it's good. Definitely has an early Mastodon sound. That's pretty much my only point of reference for this sort of style of music though.
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only 2021 album Ive got so far is The Ruins of Beverast. It's just a'ight. Not near as good as his 1st 3, but maybe its a grower and not a shower
I'm rather enjoying this Death/Doom album and impressed that it's a one-man project where the guy actually plays guitar, bass, and drums in addition to mandolin and piano.

Not bad at all. lol dude is from Amarillo, the land of perpetual cow manure stench

the lyrics will obviously turn off some
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i only know amarillo as a cultivar of hop used for beer brewing, is that from there? i mean it would make sense. and i could probably google it if i was so inclined. but i cant be arsed. i like most kinds of beer whether brewed with amarillo hops or not. thanks for listening to my ted talk.
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Yes, same Amarillo.

An okay west Texas town near Oklahoma. I had to visit there a lot with my previous job. They are surrounded by cattle ranches, so no matter what direction the winds blows.....poop
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Not bad at all. lol dude is from Amarillo, the land of perpetual cow manure stench

the lyrics will obviously turn off some

Thanks for listening. This album has really been speaking to me in my circumstances.

I've been going through Amarillo for years (pretty much my whole life) when traveling between Texas and Colorado. I've spent the night quite a few times but haven't explored the city that much. The obligatory stop is THE BIG TEXAN STEAK RANCH HOME OF THE 72 OZ. STEAK. I'm assuming you've been there J.?
So I went there a lot during my two years of the travelling job. I hated it. And no, I was told to avoid that place because it's a tourist trap. A local told me. Plus, people are there. I dont like them

My hangouts were Aspen Creek Grill and some place with a shitload of beers on the wall. forgot the name.

Odessa is even worse. I only liked Tropical Smoothie Cafe and Abuelos.

East TX > West TX
Yeah, of course it's a tourist trap but it's a STEAK RANCH. The steaks actually are delicious, there are animal heads all over the walls, gentlemen walk around and take requests to play old-timey songs, and you can watch some poor wretch gorge himself on a 72 oz. steak. When you're seated it's not really anymore crowded than a normal restaurant.

I haven't spent a ton of time in West Texas (though Amarillo is really the panhandle which I think is generally considered a different region). I like the heartland region west of the I-35 corridor out to Abilene, San Angelo, etc. and the coastal region around Corpus Christi. I lived in Brazoria County for 5 years and it was not to my liking. It's a SWAMP.
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Scald has several new things out and they are fucking weird. What else would one expect? I dig it and look forward to the full album.

I revisited Headworm for the first time in aaaages recently and holy shit that album has held up amazingly well. The later stuff was more visceral but there is a real particular atmosphere to that one that makes it stand out, still. Headworm is like... if Negura Bunget was more influenced by From Enslavement to Obliteration instead of Bathory. Or something.

EDIT: Going through all these tracks, it seems like REGIUS-I is the normal, REGIUS-II is the noise. The former is downright catchy, in a Scald sort of way.
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Oh wow, that's rad. I'm going to bookmark that, thanks!

I downloaded the second Arcane Sun ages ago but never really paid much attention to it, I think I have it on CD-R. Still adore the first, but of course.