Circa 2021: Notable Releases

here is the bandcamp review that will send nad hurtling t'wards that play button faster than a convenience flagg'd container ship skiddin through the suez

"Cavernous and cold, with a strange desert groove to be found amongst the buried noise, like some Nordic entity sent Kyuss into the polar night and burnt them alive with the blackened forces of the Arctic North"

never mind the bollocks, here's witch from umeå, sweden

i barely have words to describe how fucking good this is
Oh man that solo cuts off but that Witch song kicks!

Darkblack's Witchsnake and their Thronegoat is my new post-doom / pre-scab band.

Argh I had a doom/pop band for years and we NEVER recorded. Still bums me out because I felt like we were pretty good, but never got to objectively hear our crap.

EDIT: Our influences were 80% Melvins, 20% Frankie Goes to Hollywood.
Oh man that solo cuts off but that Witch song kicks!
dude it so does, thanks for listening and getting it

the video is cut off, but here's the full song (just music, no video)

i should make a comprehensive thread on old-ass swedish heavy metal one day because there's so much really, really good stuff
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of course i end up posting about demo tapes from 1984 in a thread about 2021 releases. sorry. carry on.