Circle II Circle's ProgPower Pre Show set

booB said:
sounds kickass. I didn't know they were working on a concept disc. I hope Paul O'Neill isn't contributing too much... that guy's ability to write a concept has gone into the toilet.

I’m torn on this one. I enjoyed “The DaVinci Code” – and I love a great concept album. But it will be tough to squeeze in material from the last 2 Circle II Circle CDs and (hopefully!) some Savatage material in the remaining 30 minutes.

As for Paul O’Neill, I thought the “Lost Christmas Eve” story was really powerful. The concept for “Poets & Madmen” was brilliant, but the story and characters just weren’t as well-formed as with prior Savatage/TSO offerings.
Andy Laudano said:
WOW. This is quite a bombshell. I didn't realize CIIC would have a new album out by PPVII. I was expecting a killer set of faves from the first 2 albums and some Savatage classics. I love Watching In Silence and thought Middle of Nowhere was good. I'm a bit hesitant on this new album though, as I'm not really interested in the concept. I really hope this is a great album, otherwise I'll be thinking of all my favorites that they could be playing that I'm missing out on while they're doing the whole new album. They're REALLY taking a BIG chance here.
I see your point here. I'dlike to hear maybe 4 new tracks, 4 each from their first 2 CDs, and then an encore set of Savatage classics.
I sincerely hope Zak sticks to just singing in the studio this time. His production on the second CIIC was terrible. The first album is lightyears better than their second. Actually half of the second disc is pretty sucky. And that's coming from a DIE-HARD Sava fan.

He should leave the production to Jon or Morris...
By the way, 2001's Poets and Madmen still slays any side project of ANY Sava member, including Jon's Tage Mahal. Poets is the second darkest Sava album after Handful of Rain and features some of their finest writing, ever.
batmura said:
By the way, 2001's Poets and Madmen still slays any side project of ANY Sava member, including Jon's Tage Mahal. Poets is the second darkest Sava album after Handful of Rain and features some of their finest writing, ever.

IMO, Dead Winter Dead is the darkest album, musically and lyrically. I'm like you though, I do enjoy Poets.
From Blabbermouth....

AFM Records has pushed back the projected release date of the new CIRCLE II CIRCLE album, "Burden of Truth", to October 6 from the previously announced August 4.

If the album isn't out, perhaps Zak should re-think the setlist.

I say, all Savatage
Yep. Otherwise its a listening party... where people will be concentrating on figuring out if they even like the songs... instead of just having a good time.
I don't understand the delay either. Must be a business/marketing/distribution type of a thing... Obviously its done if Glenn has listened to it. Or at least... mostly done.

I think its just frustrating to fans who really want to hear it =)