Circle of Dead Children

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Am I the only person that hasn't heard this band? I was just checking out some of their mp3's. They play some pretty brutal grind.

Anybody else know anything about them?
I've heard a few songs. Kinda death-ish grind. Sounds pretty good, but I'm in no hurry to get their stuff. THey are supposedly one of the better grind bands, though.
I have a Martyr Music Group compilation CD which features "Sleepwalker" from their Human Harvest CD. It's not really my thing, but I can totally imagine you liking this, especially their chainsaw-like vocals.

That same CD has "Ascension of Terror" by Aeternus. Somebody wake me when it's over...zzzz. All creativity lost.