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Yeah, it's true. I saw a tv show once where a bunch of teenage girls were talking about THAT dude who still had foreskin and they were like "eewwww".

I was surprised because it's not a custom in Britain, but in America it's the standard. When my son was born (here in the US), I would have had to fill out a form to explicitly request that they keep his cheeseflap. It's just a given that you get it done.
So like... would any of you guys ever (had you not been snipped as an infant) do it as an adult? That just sounds so fucking ridiculously painfully bad, I don't know if I'd do it even if it'd get me all the chicks in the world!
at first, I really thought it was strange to not get it done. I just thought it's something that everyone gets done when they are born.

thing is, I did some research on the subject and the results I've found suggests that the foreskin actually DOES have many nerves and is very sensitive, thus allowing for more pleasure while having sex. furthermore, the myth that there are higher instances of UTIs is actually not directly related to the foreskin itself, if I remember correctly.

A little late for me, but if I decide to ever have a kid and it happens to own a penis, it will NOT be cut.
@ Demilich: No, not as an adult!! It would be traumatic. :lol: Babies though don't feel a thing, there's no nerve endings developed there yet so it's *literally* a 2 minute procedure. It doesn't even need a bandage, just some gauze wrapping and it's off in 24 hours. My kid didn't even flinch.
So like... would any of you guys ever (had you not been snipped as an infant) do it as an adult? That just sounds so fucking ridiculously painfully bad, I don't know if I'd do it even if it'd get me all the chicks in the world!

Had a really good friend that got the bitch done at 13. He said it was so fucking painful at first that it was hard to walk because it kept rubbing against his legs.
No, not as an adult!! It would be traumatic. :lol: Babies though don't feel a thing, there's no nerve endings developed there yet so it's *literally* a 2 minute procedure. It doesn't even need a bandage, just some gauze wrapping and it's off in 24 hours. My kid didn't even flinch.

Interesting, I've heard that it IS traumatic for infants as well. Some of the affects can linger throughout the lives of the person. Makes sense to me considering a good majority of your personality develops as quite a young child.

But you're saying does sound like it could be valid. Hmmm...
@ Demilich: No, not as an adult!! It would be traumatic. :lol: Babies though don't feel a thing, there's no nerve endings developed there yet so it's *literally* a 2 minute procedure. It doesn't even need a bandage, just some gauze wrapping and it's off in 24 hours. My kid didn't even flinch.

Dude, watch the entire program I linked, apparently most doctors believe the reason they don't flinch is because they go into a state of shock as it's done - they almost pass out so can't cry. Their nerve endings are - if you believe the doctor on the show - better developed just after birth than in adults.
i'm gonna stick with the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality if i ever have a son anyways

To me it's like: evolution obvious created the thing for a reason. Nearly everything on the body there has been discovered a reason for (with the exception of the appendix, but as far as we can tell, it's an immune structure). To me this suggests that cutting something off the body is NOT a wise decision.

Oh, and that last statement does NOT give you dirty, foul hippies a reason to not cut your filthy, aphid-infested locks. kthnx.
Yeah, I heard that same thing on the Howard Stern show.

Honestly though, I decided for my son to get it for hygene reasons. I've met so many girls who said they were in the sack with guys who weren't snipped and the absolute stench was nauseous. Real quote: "it was like shit, ball sweat, dead rat, and aged cheddar all mixed together". :lol:
Funny thing is, I've been with a few girls that were JUST LIKE THAT.

PREEMPTIVE STRIKE: No, they didn't have a penis, shut up.
thing is, I did some research on the subject and the results I've found suggests that the foreskin actually DOES have many nerves and is very sensitive, thus allowing for more pleasure while having sex. furthermore, the myth that there are higher instances of UTIs is actually not directly related to the foreskin itself, if I remember correctly.

Again, watch the program I linked if you want to learn more about the benifits of remaining uncircumcised :) P&T usually do their research pretty well, and I must say I find their arguments against circumcision pretty compelling. They even interviewed a couple of guys who reinstated their foreskin (and their partners!) who said the difference was huge.