Circus Maximus - The 1st Chapter


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Circus Maximus – The 1st Chapter
Sensory Records – SR3026 – 2005
By Jason Jordan


I had no doubts that I’d be the one assigned to review the debut album from Norwegians Circus Maximus, considering that my username is circus_brimstone (a song title I borrowed from the Swedish proggers The Flower Kings). I’m not into prog nearly as much as I used to be, but I still have an acute ear for good prog groups and The 1st Chapter, aptly-titled by the way, is almost everything one could ask for in a prog release. Much to my surprise, I gravitated towards it like I did when I used to systematically grab every release from Magna Carta Records and InsideOut Music.

The energetic opener “Sin” won’t be able to escape Dream Theater comparisons, judging by the introductory instrumentation. Eriksen’s vocals are perfectly suited to accompany the prog motif, and he slightly reminds me of Lance King (Pyramaze, ex-Balance of Power), which isn’t a bad thing. The riff at the 3:40 minute mark of “Sin” is, to put it boldly, orgasm-worthy while the keyboards near 4:00 utilize the same tone as Americans Dream Theater have cut to disc. Also, the rhythms of “Sin” can be likened to that of something found on Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence, Train of Thought, et cetera. “Alive” is another six-minute foray into prog territory – “Glory of the Empire” convincingly builds upon its title. If you’re pining for yet another instrumental to add to your ever-burgeoning collection, “Biosfear” should treat you well enough. The serene, melancholy-laden “Silence from Angels Above” is a different step for Circus Maximus, because it’s more ballad-like than anything found elsewhere. “The Prophecy” is the happier counterpart to “Silence from Angels Above” and – if you think you’ve heard grandiosity before – check the first few minutes of “The 1st Chapter” for some spine-tingling, musical wizardry. Not to mention that “The 1st Chapter” serves as the quintet’s we’re-prog-so-we-need-one-long-ass-song-on-each-album; it approaches twenty-minutes total. Lastly, the tail end of one of the numbers, that I can’t seem to identify now, is so Spock’s Beard due mainly to the keyboard ramblings.

I can hear prog fans rejoicing upon receiving the latest from Circus Maximus. Yeah, The 1st Chapter is overtly formulaic and follows the subgenre’s rules to perfection, but the talent of the group is easily distinguishable. Between the nuances and not-so-subtle parts, The 1st Chapter is going to be tough to usurp this year.


Official Circus Maximus Website
Official Sensory Records Website