Circus Maximus- 1st Chapter

Mike Maximus said:
Hehehe wouldn`t you like to know...all I can say is that you`ll get a mix of new and "old" music:rock:

See ya there:Spin:

Mike, will any of this "new" material be available on the website in mp3 format before the show. Or will it be a complete surprise.

Also, have you guys been playing any of the new material live yet?
ptah knemu said:
And I just realized..... Quadruple post.
Yeah, but it's Michael Eriksen ;)

@rockyracoon, according to Guitardeth off the CM forum they played only 1st Chapter stuff at the Kamelot gig :(
rockyracoon said:
Mike, will any of this "new" material be available on the website in mp3 format before the show. Or will it be a complete surprise.

Also, have you guys been playing any of the new material live yet?

Hi there Rocky:Spin:

Hihi I think we`ll keep that as a surprise:grin:
And no new material have been played live yet;)

See ya
Mike, since you keep answering all of our questions I'm gonna keep asking until you stop answering. Haha.

Is there any word on the keyboard situation right now? How is that affecting the writing process?
Mike Maximus said:
LOL hahaha..well Carnivora was always a side " project"..CM is and will be the nr 1 priority:rock: Thx for the kind words regarding my voice..glad to hear that:Spin: Hihi..Mike Tramp;)

See ya

You're more than welcome! The CM performance at Prog Power was
awesome, and we'll see what you guys bring in September!
(no pressure! :grin: )

Oh no...he said Mike Tramp......
I think I'm gonna......:Puke: :Spin:

Mike Maximus said:
Hahahahaha yeah we had to keep things a secret:grin:
And I`m looking forward to that refreshing soda..Atlanta is hot:rock:

See ya at the pre-party:wave:

That soda will be an adult beveridge! Pick your poison!
I'll be the one shirtless with tassles @ the Pre Party!:tickled:
more like :yuk:

Hey there Mike, quick question (sorry if you've been asked this a thousand times already)...

Is "Glory of the Empire" based on the movie Gladiator? A few of the lyrics always struck me that way. Man, that song's incredible. That's all. Rock on, man.
Hi guys:Spin:

To OfSinsAndShred: Yes Glory of the Empire is inspired by the movie of my favourite movies:rock:

To J-Dubya: Adult beveridges sounds better..this will be a party weekend:rock:

To Racoon: News regarding our new keyboard player will shortly be announced..just have to organize some pictures as well as new video-clips and bio:Spin: To have a new member in the band is a boost in it self so the writing process is going real is not easy finding a keyboard player who fits musically and personaly, but we did so now we are REALLY HAPPY:hotjump:

Talk to you later guys:wave:
