CLA Signature plugins


mixomatic 2000
Jun 7, 2010
New Zealand
I have done a search using the sneap search and I can find a bit of info about people on here using the CLA Classic comps but I can't find any one using his 6 plugins for gat, vox, bass etc.

Im sorry if I missed it on here already but can anyone give, or point me towards, a review of these plugins they seem so good!
tried em... kinda liked the bass one, and the FX one.
easy way to get cool sounds. the rest were turd.
Thanks for the reply guys.
So what would be a better purchase the CLA comps or the CLA signature plugins?
Waves has 40% off ATM so might take advantage of that.
I was in the studio tonight messing with these plugins and I think they are pretty cool. I don't know how much use they'd see on a metal mix, at least some aspects of each plugin, but overall they are pretty sweet. Lots of stuff to do to the sound in one plug.
Thanks for the reply guys.
So what would be a better purchase the CLA comps or the CLA signature plugins?
Waves has 40% off ATM so might take advantage of that.

cla comps... ftw!

i got these while i was in school... awesome.


dude, you can't loose!
Thanks everyone, this is very helpful indeed.

I watched the video by CLA demonstrating all of his signature plugs on 'Boulevard of broken dreams' to show what they all do and I was amazed!
He made a real point of saying that his plugins are designed for people that DONT have a real studio (as in with real outboard gear at least) and are best used on dry, DI style tracks.

When asked if he uses these plugins him self he said yes and no, when he wants something done quick he will to get a good start but as they are designed to sound like his signal chains for various busses, he doesn't really need to, But for someone that mixes in their bedroom, it gives you the Mix LA sound without 100 components to fiddle with but emulates things like SSL, API, 1176, LA2A etc. It does make sense but may not always be useful.
I will keep thinking,
Its one of the coolest videos I have seen demoing plugins hence why I asked what is better CLA comps or signature plugins. With this new info in mind please share your opinions. I had no idea how cool they were until i saw that video!
And for those demoing, please share you results either in words or clips. ( Maybe a before and after clip)

When I demoed these plugins I have been close to buying them. Just slap them on the tracks, pull up a preset and it will not sound too bad in 5 minutes. Although they worked really really good on one song, they did not work at all on most of the others I tried them on. A clean and very good recording is a must for them to work "as designed".
And they are CPU-hogs galore and induce quite some plugin-delay (might be interesting for those PTLE users)! My 4-core i5-750 gets maxxed out pretty soon (without them, it reaches a max of 30-40% on a full blown 35+ tracks mix). The CLA-Vocal plugin is especially nice and you'll get a wide, spacey and nicely compressed vocal sound in seconds using a single track and a single plugin.