Clan UM Website Uploaded, IRC Channel Created ^_^


Halo Fetus
Sep 15, 2003
Shrewsbury, UK

First things first, the site is far from finished, infact, it still needs alot of work, but the website which is online now should suffice until I finish the PHP version.

Also, the IRC channel has been created, connect to (port 5050) and join #clan-um. Due to Aniverse services currently being unable, its not yet registered, and I dont expect there to be a flurry of activity in there.

EDIT : Ack, bear with me while I fix the site, seems CuteFTP didn't want to upload the whole thing :bah:

I like how this brand new tech forum quickly turned into Unreal Tournament 2004 within a matter of days. :lol:
Well, we were in need of a gaming forum at least before the tech forum came about.

(I'm in the irc channel, eheheh)
Bah, i leave the keyboard for a minute, and I see that Int has joined the channel, slapped me with a trout, then fucked off.


Are you really 24? I swear I thought you'd said somewhere that you were 14...I think I've mixed you up with someone else.
I take it you need a decent PC to run UT? ;)

This is cool. You should've asked for a web page ;) And if y'all don't go around wreaking havoc in UM's name, I'd be happy to have a dedicated clan forum.
That's really kind Mark dude. I would have thought that'd be more or less out of the question given the fact that this is a music site...but hey....whatever. =D

I will be playing ut2k4 from tuesday, please please please
We're a music site, but we're also a community.

I mean, I'm not going to have a forum dedicated to the UM Hub :lol: But this clan thing is cool :headbang:

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