Classic Rock Album Review


Oct 25, 2002
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I've just read Geoff Barton's review of Lionheart and he likes it. He's scored it 4/5 and says 'This is the best home-grown hard rock album of the year'. :kickass: Personally I'd say 'You Are Here' by UFO took that title but let's not argue! :headbang:
Too right they are! The write up for that album was also by Geoff Barton and he gave it 5/5 and said it may be the best studio album they've made. He must have forgotten what he wrote. They now have Vinnie Moore and Jason Bonham on board. I saw them at Manchester a while back and they were superb. I think 2004 has been a great year. There's been some brilliant new material this year and long may it continue! :headbang:
I checked out the UFO site. So if they get a new fan, they have you to thank, OK Bert?
I read the stuff about Bonham joining and stuff. Very interesting!
Macc is right - I can't seem to find a this LionHeart review of the internet or anything. Any chance you can transcribe it? It would be appreciated!
Here is the review, there is also a little interview with Biff, but i couldn't get my scanning software to convert it into text format as it is on a black background,, maybe later i will just type it out.

Mane attraction
Twenty-five years on from their first record, Saxon’s trademark Boys’ Own qualities combine to produce a hard rock masterpiece.
THIS IS THE BEST HOME-GROWN HARD ROCK album of the year. New Wave Of British Heavy Metal stalwarts Saxon - who, let us not forget, released their first, self-titled album back in 1979— have defied the ravages of time and made a record that is as traditional as a bulging trouser sock shrink-wrapped in silver spandex, but which also has a crisp, contemporary edge.
All the great Saxon qualities are here: towering riffs as battered and timeless as storm—torn clifftop castles; glorious marching rhythms that
conjure up visions of crude weapons and pitchforks held high; soaring, operatic choruses that reduce Pavarotti to the level of a pipsqueak.
But there’s a crystal-clear fidelity to this record that was obviously lacking on those craggy old Saxon records that were recorded in singer Biff Byford s outside toilet in Barnsley. As a result, Lionheart’ is no rusty ol’ hack’n’slash warrior-fest rather, it’s like a shiny, slimline rapier sliding smoothly into the stomach.
It’s also a quintessentially English rock album. Building on the momentum established by 1997’s ‘Unleash The Beast’ (and reaffirmed by ‘99’s ‘Metalhead’ and ‘01’s ‘Killing Ground’), ‘Lionheart’ allies Boys’ Own bravado to the mad-eyed spirit of a medieval peasant uprising; it’s like having a rolled-up copy of The Victor rammed in your right ear while boiling-hot woad is poured into the other.
The song titles tell the tale: ‘To Live By The Sword’, ‘Jack Tars’, ‘English Man 0’ War’.. Shiver the mainbrace and splice me timbers, these are rampant battle hymns to prickle the bristles of the blackbeard-iest barbarian despot.
Amazingly, the lungs of silver-maned frontman Byford (who claims to be 50 years old in January; Classic Rock’s calculations put him nearer to 54) are as formidable as they ever were. Biff’s at his blustersome best when he screams and bellows with unbridled passion on the rumbling, Maidenesque ‘Wirchfinder General’, and on the surprisingly spiritual and uplifting title track.
When Byford wrote the song ‘And The Bands Played On’, in celebration of Saxon’s appearance at the inaugural Castle Donington festival hack in August 1980,I bet he never knew how pertinent that title would become. Yea verily and forsooth, Saxon the band are still playing on nearly 25 years later and they’re doing it with a style and maturity that will surprise the hell out of you.

Geoff Barton
arkitex said:
It’s also a quintessentially English rock album. Building on the momentum established by 1997’s ‘Unleash The Beast’ (and reaffirmed by ‘99’s ‘Metalhead’ and ‘01’s ‘Killing Ground’),
thanx Bert, I agree with the above. For Example english man on war does remind me of the beginning of the song 'bloodletter of UTB'
arkitex said:
Here is the review, there is also a little interview with Biff, but i couldn't get my scanning software to convert it into text format as it is on a black background,, maybe later i will just type it out.

Thanks for the preview, my friend! Living in the States, I'll be lucky to see that issue in a month's time! I just got the holiday issue; newest we seem to have so far, and really, I'm surprised it arrived this soon. :headbang:on!