Classic shirt remastered??


Fool for a Lifetime
Apr 3, 2002
Harrisonburg, VA
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I don't know what to call it, but here's the scoop. It's not often I get to revisit something like this. I'm also not planning on ever visiting it again. During the Blind Guardian tour, I had the chance to create a very unique item. As the item sold out the first time around, the option to reprint was never discussed. One reason was the artwork was not big enough. Band logo was smaller and the print in general was smaller too. When the new artwork was created it went straight on to black tees and that was that. And it's been that way for the better part of 3 years until now.

So, for those of you who missed out the first time or if you oneed to update your old one due to wear, I give you the 2006 version of the Symphony X Odyssey tie-dye. Printed in limited and far less quantities than the last time. There were less than 60 of these done in total. I have the Blue in M,L, and XL. The Purple is in L and XL. There is an alternate purple in size M as the order somehow was misprinted on a different style shirt.



If you would be interested in one, please go to and check out the merchandise section.

More new merch to come later this year.

All the best,
Wow, they're all really nice, especially the last one. How come you only made 60 Glenn? You should do the new album with that kinda tie dye.
I think they should kinda make some more merch...Would be sick, I know id blow all my money on stuff... BTW glenn, I'm getting a credit card and paypal account in about a week, I was curious...Just how big ae the XL and XXL shirts? Because some countries the sizes are slightly differ (well come companies lol) and I'm a big boy...I want shirts to fit nicely, any advice?
Ptah Khnemu said:
Wow, they're all really nice, especially the last one. How come you only made 60 Glenn? You should do the new album with that kinda tie dye.

Why 60? I wanted to do a limited reissue of it with the new art without committing to a ton of inventory. I had a chance and I went with the lower number. I figure some is better than none. And the second reason for not stocking so heavilly is to keep space and funds available for the new album merch. What the new merch will be like remains to be seen. Artwork tends to dictate as to what may or may not work shirt-wise.

J-Dubya 777 said:
I have faith in Glenn, when the new cd comes out, there will be some killer merch. No pressure Glenn! :heh:


yeah, I'll have my work cut out for sure. I think I can deliver though. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Ayreon Guardian X said:
Is it too late to get a Blue one in L?

Still have some. These are now available at :)

proulxski said:
I think they should kinda make some more merch...Would be sick, I know id blow all my money on stuff... BTW glenn, I'm getting a credit card and paypal account in about a week, I was curious...Just how big ae the XL and XXL shirts? Because some countries the sizes are slightly differ (well come companies lol) and I'm a big boy...I want shirts to fit nicely, any advice?

Shoot me an e-mail on this. I have some sizing diagrams that I can send to you. Also, if you need me to measure a specific tee, regardless of diagram, I can do that too. Just let me know.
