Classical Training

its weird because i played guitar before bass aswell but i was terrable, managing to play about 6 chords. ive started knocking around on a guitar again tho at the last few band practises and im actually quite good even tho i havent played for years!!

anyway, to cut a long story short, i have temperarily become the rhythm guitarist and the guitarist is trying bass on for size, and its working quite well.
that just proves my point!.....hmm isnt that from a madtv skit or somthing? no one knows what the hell im talking about, but that skit was funny dammit!
!! haha. You see, I started out on keyboards... then I got into this "tracking" scene on the computer. It's when you take wav files and put them in certain orders to make music. It's actually quite useful if you want your music to be heard. I went from there to guitar... if anyone would like to hear my black/melodic metal, let me know :)
Originally posted by stargazer
Excuse my fucked up head... I meant to type guitar :zombie:
Still hungover from Saturday I guess ;)

Ohh...when you said bass, I thought you meant CONTRABASS. That'd be cool to see tho, cuz I'm starting contrabass training in music school. (actually, it's contrabass + piano + choir singing; in two year I'm switching to solo singing instead of choirs.)
You'll have an opera singer among your fans!! :D

But from the regulars, I play bass, some piano, even less guitar and I sing - a lot. :)