

Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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Question for the guitarists of Skyfire: What classical guitarists do you like? You guys seem to have a definite neo-classical element (though not in the masturbatory Yngwie "I'm great listen to me play fast" Malm-queen)...And what rock/metal guitarists? Where do you draw your influences from?
Personally, I don´t have a clue from where I get my influences from. I guess that all music that I find interesting reflects in the music I do. And to find a favourite guitarplayer is also very hard. There are so many different kinds of them so I dont know. But I can tell you one thing:
if I got the chance to choose from where I should get my influences from right now I would definately pick The Rock (soundtrack) CD. I think its amazing. The arrangements, the atmosphere and the mighty melodies. Its a masterpiece :cool:
That soundtrack is awesome. I'm not really into classical music, but I do like some scores/symphonic soundtracks and that one of my favourite (although I haven't heard that many). I think a lot of metalheads are familiar with Hans Zimmer by now.. He's really good with melodies; they're aways memorable.