Cleveland Show 11/6

Jon Snow

asoiaf afaict
Jul 22, 2004
I went to the concert for Opeth of course but my god if Nevermore didn't kick some ass too. Especially after following Into Eternity. They just didn't come across that well live. Nevermore came on and showed them how it's done. I'll have to check out some of their stuff now since I don't really know that much.

Great show.
Loomis was fucking amazing btw.
I.E. was good, but the new vocalist sucked. He doesn't fit the band too well.

Nevermore fucking owned, naturally. Except for the tech. snafu in the beginning.

I stayed for one Opeth song and was bored. Not taking anything away from these guys, but I just can't listen to their music in a live setting.