Cleveland Show Tonight!!

Hey Ms A!! Long time no see!

I know, It seems I post on NM board and hardly ever here. :erk:

I am so pumped for this show.:headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang::headbang:

Only problem, my buddy that was going with me, his wife's grandmother died and the viewing is tonight, so he cant go. He is a HUGE Testament fan and I know this just kills him. But, I have another friend coming, he is not really into metal (classical musician) but I gave him my Testament CD's to listen too and he is into them. :kickass:

This ought to be great!!!!

My ears are still ringing, I can barely speak from screaming/singing along, and I think I am still dehydrated from being in that fucking sweatbox Peabody's.

Great show. :headbang:

Missed about half of Death Angel (came on waaay too early) but they kicked ass none the less.

Was somewhat impressed with God Forbid. I have not really liked this band due to the vocal style, but live they were impressive.

And then.....The boys came out and proceeded to tear the roof off the joint. Really good mix of songs old, new, slow, fast they nailed em' all. The rendition of Trail of Tears was just fucking moving. My only complaint in the setlist, did not hear Sins of Omission, damn I wanted to hear that!

This was my first show at Peabody's (have not been in Cle very long). This place absolutely blows :puke: Good god, the layout is about the worst that I have ever seen. It was about 900 degrees. I barely had to shout for my buddy to hear me (wtf is that?!?!). All in all, I doubt I will go back there. If there is another show here in Cleveland this summer, for the love of metal please play a different venue.

BTW Lynn, when we did the sing alone during Alone in the Dark, Chuck said that we blew away Michigan on the first pass. He prob says that at each show, but the crowd got a kick out of it.
That place was packed beyond recognition. I got my ticket via ticket master for fear that the tickets would have been sold out by the time I got to Cleveland.
Oh we were loud, probably much smaller in number though. DA was very appreciative. I made the mistake of cruising up to the front with a full 24 0z can of beer promptly to have it smashed and knocked out of my hand which sent it flying as I hit the floor. I do remember it was pretty drunk out too.
Love the Cleveland show. Moshed through and stood close enough to touch Chuck Billy's microphone. Awesome show !!

But can anyone tell us what was up with the violin girl? She was hot, but where does that fit in?

Love the Cleveland show. Moshed through and stood close enough to touch Chuck Billy's microphone. Awesome show !!

But can anyone tell us what was up with the violin girl? She was hot, but where does that fit in?


Yeah, she was hot. And could play! I imagine just a cool way for the guys to take a 5 min break. Pretty cool actually.:headbang:
Here was the setlist, content correct but order not:

Over The Wall >
Into The Pit
More Than Meets The Eye
Electric Crown
The New Order
Trail Of Tears
Henchmen Ride
The Preacher
Souls Of Black
Alone In The Dark
The Evil Has Landed
Practice What You Preach


Three Days In Darkness
Disciples Of The Watch
The Violin Girl tore it up in Chicago/Mokena, too. She sounded great. It was cool as hell! Apparently, she's a high school student who has played with Trans Siberian Orchestra and maybe a few other professional gigs. TALENTED! :headbang: