Client just told me he is ENTITLED to stem tracks.

The contract doesn't mention anything about releasing multi-track raw files or releasing stems. If they want my time, they will pay for it, if they don't pay for it, they don't get it. Not a difficult concept, but one they fail to grasp.

So what's the problem? I mean if they don't wanna understand that you need to be paid to work - just like everyone else - that's their problem so let them burn in hell! Ahahah! If they REALLY need these raw tracks, they'll pay.

I personally never give PT sessions or processed tracks, that's MY shit. If the band wants the separate raw tracks or needs some processed ones for their gigs, they pay the extra time. But I try to discuss this kind of stuff before starting the project, then it can be written on the contract.
So what's the problem? I mean if they don't wanna understand that you need to be paid to work - just like everyone else - that's their problem so let them burn in hell! Ahahah! If they REALLY need these raw tracks, they'll pay.

I personally never give PT sessions or processed tracks, that's MY shit. If the band wants the separate raw tracks or needs some processed ones for their gigs, they pay the extra time. But I try to discuss this kind of stuff before starting the project, then it can be written on the contract.

My thoughts, exactly, they just disagree with me getting paid for my time for something they feel they should get no matter what.
I had a band ask for stems, which I bounced out and gave them for free. Then a few months later I got the exact same request from the same band!

So they weren't bothered holding onto them themselves but I have to? Luckily I still had a .rar of the stems I sent them so I just had to reupload it but if I had to bounce it out again I wouldn't have done it.
raw, unprocessed tracks .. sure no problem. Consolidate & export, pack and upload. Doesn't bother me and takes very little time since the longer parts of it I don't have to be around for

Stems, yeah, I'm getting paid my hourly rate
This thread actually made me curious about something. Don't mean to hijack it but it kind of falls in the same category.

I had a band come in to listen to the whole record after I had finish it, thing is, they brought an external hard drive and asked me to get all of the tracks or everything (basically the whole album folder).

I didn't think much of it and just happily gave everything to them because I don't really give a shit what they see or dont. But it did get me thinking if I should feel otherwise, is this common practice? To give out full sessions?
I said this in the other thread about this exact subject but I'll say it here. Always expect to hand over RAW files. Build a workflow where printing stems is part of your mix process and then it's no problem to provide them. It's only a time consuming PITA if you don't expect it to happen.
The reason to hand everything over is that it absolves you from being the permanent librarian for the band.
This thread actually made me curious about something. Don't mean to hijack it but it kind of falls in the same category.

I had a band come in to listen to the whole record after I had finish it, thing is, they brought an external hard drive and asked me to get all of the tracks or everything (basically the whole album folder).

I didn't think much of it and just happily gave everything to them because I don't really give a shit what they see or dont. But it did get me thinking if I should feel otherwise, is this common practice? To give out full sessions?

Depends, honestly. It's common for bands to request FX tracks and the things of that nature so they can play them live, usually. As far as full sessions, If bands request to have their full album project files it's usually not an issue.
I didn't think much of it and just happily gave everything to them because I don't really give a shit what they see or dont. But it did get me thinking if I should feel otherwise, is this common practice? To give out full sessions?

Not for me it isn't. I would never give out my actual PT sessions with all my non-magic contained within

They get their raw tracks, stems if they pay, nothing more
Not for me it isn't. I would never give out my actual PT sessions with all my non-magic contained within

They get their raw tracks, stems if they pay, nothing more

That's what I was referencing to. They can obtain the project file with the raw tracks but as far as my mixed project file that's a no no.
That's what I was referencing to. They can obtain the project file with the raw tracks but as far as my mixed project file that's a no no.

Right, usually I'll give them what I call a "flattened" session, i.e. no automation, plugin settings, drum samples if any were used, as raw as raw can be. That's if they request an actual session. If they just want raw tracks: consolidate -> export.

Stems are rarely brought up by bands that I work with, and when they are, usually it's not an issue explaining to them that it'll take time, and there will be a fee attached to it. These guys lost their minds, but they have decided they want them, so they will pay for my time.