Clients that smell bad


May 9, 2006
So guys,

I live in a place (Belém,Pará,Brazil) that's very hot - usually 30 degree Celsius at night, and between 28 and 35 degree Celsius at day. So, basically, I have a few clients that smell REALLY bad. A few days ago I had a session with one of these and his smell was felt on my home studio for about 1 hours (with open windows...) after he left. And it is a very uncommon problem I face - and it is annoying and makes the recording process A LOT harder eheh It really is that bad... Do you guys have or had any clients like this?

I work in a general food store, many ppl come there, and many smelly. There are days the first hour the store is open, the whole place smell like old people. Isnt a similar problem like you have. But smells are bad... probably when you hear their music in the future, you always will be reminded of the smell.
I have one client that reeks of dead rats from the mouth. And he's a jerk too and won't stop talking all the time.
Next time use this

ahhaha a few days ago, Zoe, my 4yo daughter, came up to a client and told him "You smell good because you took a shower" and named a couple clients that smell REALLY bad hahaha And everyone knows here know these guys :)

Btw, one of those guys never takes a shower before morning sessions, so he's always smelling like homeless people. One of these days he came and sat with his legs kinda spread at my front and his fucking shorts were cut so one of his nuts was hung outside the shorts. Man, this day the whole studio had this cock-like smell and I had to clean it real good to smell good again.
ahhaha a few days ago, Zoe, my 4yo daughter, came up to a client and told him "You smell good because you took a shower" and named a couple clients that smell REALLY bad hahaha And everyone knows here know these guys :)

Btw, one of those guys never takes a shower before morning sessions, so he's always smelling like homeless people. One of these days he came and sat with his legs kinda spread at my front and his fucking shorts were cut so one of his nuts was hung outside the shorts. Man, this day the whole studio had this cock-like smell and I had to clean it real good to smell good again.

Smegma build up smells worse than anything ever.
If they have bad breath have some fisherman's friend and/or bubblegum with different flavors in your studio. If they smell really bad get an Air Wick Freshmatic Ultra Odor Detect:

Keep your home smelling fresh and welcoming all the time with AIR WICK® FRESHMATIC® Odor Detect™, the first automatic spray device with odor sensor technology. This breakthrough technology automatically detects and overcomes thousands of unpleasant odors, without you having to think about it.

Seems like the perfect solution to me :lol:. And if someone of these smelly guys asks why your room spray is constantly spraying, tell them that it usually doesn't and it might be because it's detecting some odor.
Yesterday I had a dispatcher (ground agent in airports who is the only guy you deal with in behalf of the whole ground crew) that smelt so bad in my cockpit, and I felt like cleaning my hand after I shaked his when he left (was so... grasy or wet or something). He stayed only 30s inside, I swear. I can't imagine what it is to have him non stop next to you in a studio :lol: