Clients that smell bad

INFESTED: Crusties

I suggest the use of scented candles. But after spending lots of time with train-hoppin', dog followed, beer-soaked, anti-deodorant crust types, I do have to say it's not an easy smell to get rid of. I specifically remember one show where i literally smelled some people before i saw them in the room. It was INTENSE.
Man, there was a point in time my band's singer smelled bad at nearly any point in time. He claimed he showered every day, and sometimes as many as three, yet still smelled. I really doubted that, because I would go see a doctor if that was the case. There was one point when he ran around out in the hot summer day in a leather jacket and jeans, and when he climbed into that car, goodness man, the bassist almost died. Thankfully that's not really so much a big deal now. He's lucky he has a powerful voice.