Clip of a new drum mix and stuff

Killer track dude.

Is that snare from SD2? If so, which one - I'm loving it.

As always your AxeFX tones just totally slay.

Awesome stuff man, nice heavy guitar but i hear a very hard bulb clone style
direction in it, nothing wrong with it cause you have put originality of your
own personality in it..

Overal i think it sound's more enjoyable and tighter than bulb itself :kickass:

Great sound man!
That snare is truly awsome.
Really like your guitar tone also. Is there much post processing on the guitars or is it just the axefx direct out into your daw? I'm thinking about getting one and I want to know what results you can get with just the axefx without post processing.

Also, must say that you're songs are great aswell! Keep it up!