Brand new tune! Djent and stuff!? (s2.0 + Axe fx)


how do mix ¯\(°_o)/¯
Oct 7, 2008

New tune up

I made this one in bits and pieces and sort of glued it all together in the last week! Been messing with the mix a bit, let me know what you think!

Used my ibanez rgt6exfx for this one! Still djenty in drop B!

Oh and! thinking imagery should be doing stuff for my myspace soon! I can't wait! so keep an eye out! :headbang:

Enjoys :worship:
Dude - your clips are consistently some of the best on this board, and this one is no exception. Amazing stuff - I always make it a point to listen to your clips.

Dude - your clips are consistently some of the best on this board, and this one is no exception. Amazing stuff - I always make it a point to listen to your clips.


Wow! really? :oops:

Thankyou so much cramer!

Cheers Erkan and P-E! :worship:
oh man.. m stoned n i just listened to the whole song on the page..
m so tripped out and i enjoyed it. very much.
man.... you guys are killin me. I need to get me an axe-fx! sounds great man! if I could complain about one small thing, it would be the toms. they sound a little dull to me. the mix is great, and the playing is great as well. I'm digging on it for sure!
Thankyou so much guys! Appreciate it! :worship:

epic of epics. bass sits very nicely for a low B, how'dya manage that?? the soft effecty interlude, was that all axefx effects?? :headbang:

Just duplicated the bass track from my axe fx bass amp sim and cab, and used a low pass and high pass then compressed both.

And yes that soft part of the song is all axefx effects, pretty snazzy! :loco: