Clip: Rasmussens Master of Puppets settings on a MK III


Jun 3, 2006
Here is the result:

It was recorded using the Mesa MKIIc settings used to record the actual album (bar volume...I recorded it at about half vol as I am in an apartment) on my MK III

The guitar was an LP studio and an sm57 via a1x12 homemade cab.

He did have other stuff in there like an EQ in the loop but I didnt have all of the outboard gear. So I suppose this is pretty close to the base before his magic.
How many Tracks did you do? He did four if I remember correctly, six on the palm muted sections or something. Anyway, pretty good! Doesn't sound like the original too much, I think he scooped it even more with the EQ he used, so maybe you need to do that. But, maybe it's very close. It's hard to tell without drums and bass.

How did you mic it? Close up?
It was close mic'd dead center.

I did 4 tracks too (you hear all 4 of them come in at the end after the stabs etc)

Perhaps another big difference was the cab/speaker. Did they use v30's or g12-75's? This was a Texas Heat.

What I did like: The Vibe. I think it was close but no cigar sound wise but the VIBE was there...I know after that quick test I can use those setting (WHich I would not have thought of in a million years..Crazy settings. The mid eq alider was all the way down, and the gain on 4! It is all power tube distortion)
Fucking nice man! Definately has that MoP vibe to it. Respect....even if you did rip the settings haha. One thing though, did you pan all the takes, cos it sounds pretty centered to me, albeit with some verb or something?? Maybee if you get rid of the verb and pan the takes out a bit it'll sound alot bigger.