"clipping my converters"


Sep 21, 2006
i've heard people talk about it, but i dont understand it.

like, running a mix back through your converters and clip it a little.

is it what it sounds like, turn it up into the converter until you hear stuff distort and then back it off a little until the distortion goes away??

and this is an alternative to using a limiter plugin??
I believe this is the best way to clip your mixes, better than using software like Gclip. The higher-end, mastering-grade converters can give you some extra level without audible distortion. I don't know how common this process is in mastering - I assume it depends on the operator and their own preferences.
yeah.. if your using some uber mastering convertors like lavrys etc, you slam the front end of the converters with the out gain of a compressor or something.

I tried this once using a tg2 and an apogee, and it was...interesting