Clipping on Deceiver of The Gods


New Metal Member
Jul 7, 2013
Hey, guys. I haven't seen anything else on the forum about this, so if I missed it, I'm sorry. This is my first post.

I bought the box edition of Deceiver, and after importing it to iTunes, most of the tracks have clipping at the very end where the next track begins. Really annoying in mixes I've made. Is that something iTunes did (I'm using the new version, so it's likely... since it sucks so hard), or are you guys' copies like that, too?
Only at the end of "We Shall Destroy". There are other CD's where I it seems to occure more often and always I think "oops" then. I'm using an old version however.
Hey, thanks for the replies. The two where it's worst are "Blood Eagle" and "Under Siege", which fucking sucks because I think those are two of the strongest tracks on the record.