Clips from Elvenking's new album

I'd have to agree with TBJ.. it's not what I expected from Elvenking. I think it's a bit too heavy, a smidge too generic, a tad too rough, and way too progressive. It's a far removal from what I grew into loving about Elvenking in general, but I'll reserve final thoughts for the full album.
I've never taken the time to listen to Elvenking, but I definately like what I hear. The new samples sound awesome. I guess since I didn't start listening to them during their past releases, I don't have any high expectations on what's suppose to be what in their sound. Im going to have to pick that new album up when it comes out though.
Judging the clips on their own merit I think they sound decent. However, I agree it's not what one would expect to hear from Elvenking. Then again Gothic Kabala didn't sound like something I'd expect from Therion, and that turned out pretty well.
I had Heathenreel. Thought the band had promise, but the album's recording quality was absolutely horrendous. Worse than Dungeon. Worse than Gwar's first disc.

Then I heard The Winter Wake playing over the speakers at the really cool music store in Chicago while attending the Chicago Powerfest, and did NOT believe it was the same band. Drastic, impressive improvements. Bass drum was hella loud, but my drummer loved it for that reason alone! HAH! I now love The Winter Wake. Awesome album, but short compared to how the songs feel.

This new material sounds really killer. Yes, the folk-flavor is missing, but these are samples for metalheads to catch quickly, and I guarantee the album will have much more diversity and folk-filled tracks.

I'll be getting it. Definitely.
You really thought the production of Heathenreel was bad? Hot damn, you should hear the Production for Tuatha De Danann's Tingaralatingadun. Now THAT made a fucking SMOKING AWESOME album suck. (I still absolutely love the CD tho)

I hope your right about this new CD though, Bryan.
If you do Heathen Crusade again.. and they are there... I promise I'll buy my ticket on the same day as announcement.
Man... ya gotta remember I'm a musician. When I listen to music, I am far more critical than I should be. I listen to the hihat's volume, the bass drum's tightness, the guitar's tone especially, the bass guitar's deepness, the vocal dynamics, the overall volume balance between everything... endless details.

And Heathenreel's guitar tone was blasphemous! Horrible! It was an instant turnoff. Seriously. Like Nocturnal Rites' The Sacred Talisman and Tales of Mystery and Imagination were tolerable albums with great songwriting, but their singer on those albums was awful. Unlistenable. A terrible voice, terrible announciation, and just wasn't born to sing. Their new singer, however.... heh heh. That guy was bred born and raised to ROCK! Night and day!

I'm most likely pissing off a lot of people here. Maybe even a few rookie musicians or bands almost ready to record an album. Guys... listen to me. DO NOT SETTLE. Don't just get an album done so you can have one. A bad demo CD or first album will not jumpstart a career. Paying attention to detail WILL. Listen to your first mixes in every stereo you can. Every car, every CD player, every friend's house, everywhere. Listen for everything. Every volume setting, every tonal setting, every track and take. Before you finalize and release anything, make sure you've absorbed that recording as much as possible, and have cleaned up every little spot you can find. It'll be worth it.