COB 10/12/05 Worcester ma.


New Metal Member
Dec 11, 2005
Went last night. AA was fun, never saw them before and only knew of 1 of their songs but man were they fun, the people loved them. With the front man that they have I dont know how they cant make it. he captures you as soon as he gets on the stage. they need a better bass player IMHO. Trivium sounded like shit. In this case it was the building. They played well but the sound was terrible. whoever did the sound for them should be shot, feedback all through the set, couldn't hear the guitars well, bass was non existent. they were well received though.
COB, i waited 4 years to see them and wasn't disappointed. they played the same set of songs as San Fransisco, amazing, although again the sound in that building was just terrible.
i think something with his strap was messed up or something, or the radio thing they clip on.

that was awesome when they did the chorus of HCDR really slow.
i went last night too. awesome show, but palladium still has terrible sound quality on all 3 bands. (at least on the balcony) and they really need to find a better way to direct traffic at the merchandise booth.

amon amarth was easily the best part of the show. the horn intro was a perfect choice. i got stuck behind these three kids during the first 3 songs of CoB who were going nuts and i couldnt take it anymore and had to relocate from the forth row on the balcony to the 8th or something.

by the way i think during Hate crew deathroll it was something with alexi's guitar because it looked more like he was trying to plug something back in. and when the guy would go away suddenly more trebel would come in. it was definitely funny to watch alexi spring over to the microphone though. :D

i actually sat out during trivium with my mom (you might have even seen me on the stairs on the right entering the balcony, she had a bunch of books out studying) simply because i wasnt interested, but everyone else waiting outside kept hating on them really hard.

by the way i recorded the setlist for Amon amarth and Children of bodom if anybody needs it!
Lat night was fucking awesome. Amon Amarth fucking kicked ass, I dont like Trivium so im not going to comment on them, and Bodom ruled like usual.

Anytime you are in the balcony at the Palladium the sound is gonna suck. The sound was great for Amon Amarth and Bodom.
transient said:
you werent the guy standing behind me and my buddy were you? outside. you had a FTR shirt and a jacket with patches ? cause that dude was with his mom also

and yeah id really love the setlist

and yeah the palladium is atrocious in terms of people flow!

i had a jacket and an amon amarth shirt on, sitting outside the bathroom. i look about age 14? (because i am) my mom said that somebody confronted her and said, "are you studying?" and a conversation followed.
Oh man sick show and yeah it was Alexi's wireless amp plug it was messed up i was liek 8 feet away from bodom the whole night and at the end of their set the whole badns came down by the baracades and liek slapped people's hands. It was awsome cause alexi slapped my hand. Then he got on stage and yelled out "You Gotta Fight For Your Right to....Parrrrrttty"

I really think Trivium was the only band with the horible sound just because drums were waaay louder than the guitars and that's mostly what i wanna hear from them. I'm not a huge fan but they put on a good show.

AA was waaay better than i thought. I'm sad they didn't ride out in liek Golden Chariots swinging maces and such. Though during them hair was flying everywhere.

oh and i would love the Set List.
lol i know what you mean, there was this huge thing covered up with a black blanket, and i could of sworn that it was going to be a viking ship and they would be in it.

Heres the setlist! (sorry no trivium)

amon amarth:

1. an ancient sign of coming storm
2. Pursuit of vikings
3. releasing surtur's fire
4. Fate of norns
5. for the stabwounds in our back
6. death in fire

children of bodom:

1. living dead beat
2. sixpounder
3. we're not gonna fall
4. silent night bodom night
5. hate me!
6. angels dont kill
7. Drum solo
8. bodom after midnight/bodom beach terror
9. follow the reaper
10. needled 24/7
11. alexi and janne solo battle
12. in your face
13. hate crew deathroll
14. are you dead yet


15. 2nd guitarist solo
16. chokehold (cocked and loaded)
17. everytime i die
18. downfall

you're missing:
Amon Amarth 3. Releasing Surtur's Fire
(I thought they played one more song than that? I could be wrong)

COB 16. Chokehold

I don't know about Trivium either
acssve82 said:
you're missing:
Amon Amarth 3. Releasing Surtur's Fire
(I thought they played one more song than that? I could be wrong)

COB 16. Chokehold

I don't know about Trivium either

thanks alot! i'll edit my post right now. and i had my notebook out and ready for each song, so im positive those are the only songs they played.

by the way, does anyone have any pictures, video, sound from the show? because my brother was going to come but he got sick :( and i really wish he couldve seen it.
ya they will have pics ffrom this will probably be on stood out last night since i was like the only one not wearing black..i had a whiteish Boston College sweatshirt.. I wish i was the one who caught Jaska's drumsticks that would be so fucking awesome
and what was the deal with roope and alexi slapping it some sort of game they are playing or what?
JacksonRR-3 said:
and what was the deal with roope and alexi slapping it some sort of game they are playing or what?

maybe this is what you are talking about, but what about when alexi slapped himself in the face at the end of "in your face?"
The_Patriot_Virus said:
No, Roope did slap him they did that in evere show liek right before in your face it was pretty funny Alexi was laughing bout it. Did anyone catch it when Alexi was playing under Jane's arm?

yeah that was pretty neat. did anyone catch when he put his feet up on the keyboard. (semi-pretentious but entertaining)

i still think that the entire best part of the night was right before the downfall solo, because it built up so much excitement, and then it just explodes when they start soloing.
well my favorite part of the CoB set was downfall, but the whole night was definitely "pursuit of vikings." the crowd and the band yelling "odin!" at the same time was glorious. :D
a cool thing that trivium did was that they played the Dean guitars that Dimebag actually played on his last tour..they played walk which was cool...and at one point Alexi pointed at someone in the crowd and said that he liked something of theirs but i didnt catch what he said anyone know?
rrlr420 said:
Went last night. AA was fun, never saw them before and only knew of 1 of their songs but man were they fun, the people loved them. With the front man that they have I dont know how they cant make it. he captures you as soon as he gets on the stage. they need a better bass player IMHO. Trivium sounded like shit. In this case it was the building. They played well but the sound was terrible. whoever did the sound for them should be shot, feedback all through the set, couldn't hear the guitars well, bass was non existent. they were well received though.
COB, i waited 4 years to see them and wasn't disappointed. they played the same set of songs as San Fransisco, amazing, although again the sound in that building was just terrible.
yeah the feedback was getting to me after a while but i liked the dime thing, i really hated it when he said "sorry you guysd, where where too metal we broke the speakers" and yeah the sound was pretty bad but i got an autographed poster by CO)b and a aurographed ticked by trivium (where where right next to the signing area" whre where you floor?