CoB at Bloodstock Open Air

It's not cause we don't say it every second that we don't know it.... Their "maturity" already hit me when FTR came out (which I didn't find necessary to say it here previously) I found it a bit weak compared to their previous works. But it was still kick ass music with amazing leads/solos y'know...

It's sad indeed to realize some kinda parts you liked, disapeared almost completly. But that's only your personnal tastes/values...but their values/tastes changed for x reason (unlike ours) + they are not signed to your label or playing for you.

CoB getting on your nerves ; nobody forces you to listen to them hehe

I just find it weird on the board it's the anti-fan-boy movement.

"0MfG c0B my favorite band is now nU I'M GoiN to maKe people think I nEver ReAlLy liKEd them. aNd if u Don't beLieve Me Son...YoU doN'T knOw ShIt"

It's like a retired fan-boy...and it's already trendy.
Originally Posted by ND24/7
"0MfG c0B my favorite band is now nU I'M GoiN to maKe people think I nEver ReAlLy liKEd them. aNd if u Don't beLieve Me Son...YoU doN'T knOw ShIt"

chill the fuck out dude. can you not handle someone moving on and not having cob as their favorite band anymore? is it that bad?
I thought I read somewhere that Alexi said the next album is going to sound nothing like hcdr. There may be hope after all.

That single that was released some time back started putting the nails in the coffin though.
You know, I think we all expect to much, Its hard to have all of your fans like all of youre records and for you too be "good" for a long period of time. I mean we already have a few kick ass albums, isnt that good enough?
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Are Bodom definatley confirmed for BOA? Just to be a nosey cunt, where did you get the info from?