COB Covers Competition

I think it's super lame that top choices were such obvious songs as "Master of Puppets" and "Cowboys From Hell".
I suggested A-ha's "Take On Me"... I wrote a massive essay about it, it depresses me to see that the winner wrote so little <_<, I bet they just couldn't be assed reading the longer ones.
I don't think you need to write an essay for this. I use only 2 sentences here:

Mozart's Don Giovanni - "Alexi described this composition from his favourite musician: "the ending scene in Don Giovanni is so heavy material it actually makes you feel sick." It would be epic for one of the best bands of the modern world to cover arguably the most legendary composer in history."

That wasn't a fucking essay!


Here's what mine was:

I believe that one of the greatest things about Children Of Bodom is their mix of technicality with metal. In today's metal scene, no other guitarist goes to such great lengths to perfect a solo, lick, or riff as Alexi or Roope does. Not only does every note played by Alexi Laiho have a purpose techincally (scale, mode, etc.), the feeling and emotion expressed through his playing is prominent throughout all of Bodom's albums and live shows. Another band that parallels this type of playing is System of a Down, which happens to also be an inspiration of Laiho's and probably a favorite to listen to by the rest of the band.

BYOB, off of SOAD's album Mesmerize (which is one of Laiho's favorite albums of all time), fully grasps the concepts listed above and would make a perfect Bodom cover song. The song has fast paced guitar riffs, interjected by slower breaks and vocal harmonies. The song could be redone enough by Bodom (by adding drum fills, applying Laiho's signature vocals, and throwing in a two-part solo done by both Laiho and Roope) to have originality, but still retain the structure and flow of the original. Not only would the cover sound good, I think that the band would have a lot of fun making the song their own.

Children of Bodom is truly a great band and will forever inspire me and millions of other people across the globe, whether it's inspiration to take our guitar one step further or just proving that five kids from any small town can make it big by doing what they love to do.

Thanks for reading =)