COB Covers Competition

I mainly write in here when I'm at work. And it's not the number of posts, it's the quality (and length) so don't fill the threads with your worthless short posts just to gain numbers. :D I've done on average 3 posts a day during my time here. I'm not a nolifer who trolls around forums to post off-topic shit, just a big fan. I don't even know what I'm doing here now before January.
ah, yeah i'm also not familiar with the term arsed, but i get the they need to get on it though i'm getting anxious.
I mainly write in here when I'm at work. And it's not the number of posts, it's the quality (and length) so don't fill the threads with your worthless short posts just to gain numbers. :D I've done on average 3 posts a day during my time here. I'm not a nolifer who trolls around forums to post off-topic shit, just a big fan. I don't even know what I'm doing here now before January.
yea number of posts shouldnt matter :heh: i dont say it just i've got the lowest really :lol:
it would have been awesome if they announced them yesterday like they said they were doing to....but tomorrow is a good second to having the winners name(s) today....
Yeah I know what you're saying, I knew a total jackass who mixed jack with milk and it tasted like pure piss. What a faggot. I don't know him anymore.
i was just thinking. i could be such a thing that not enough people entered to matter so they just shut the thing down. :erk: but..since no one thought they'd win anyway.......:Smug: