CoB=Free Food?

Dec 26, 2005
so i was at this mexican restaurant purchasing my burrito and soda, and the dude saw my bodom shirt sticking out of my jacket and we talked about bodom, and he gave me the food for free. the best part about it is, that in the area I live in, it is totally rap dominated, so finding a bodom fan is like finding gold. it was pretty sweet. if it was like metallica it would be different cuz everyone knows metallica, but this was kewlz:kickass: :rock:

So, who here likes beer?
Follow the Roope-R said:
so i was at this mexican restaurant purchasing my burrito and soda, and the dude saw my bodom shirt sticking out of my jacket and we talked about bodom, and he gave me the food for free. the best part about it is, that in the area I live in, it is totally rap dominated, so finding a bodom fan is like finding gold. it was pretty sweet. if it was like metallica it would be different cuz everyone knows metallica, but this was kewlz:kickass: :rock:

So, who here likes beer?

So you gonna tell us where the restaurant is??
Follow the Roope-R said:
so i was at this mexican restaurant purchasing my burrito and soda, and the dude saw my bodom shirt sticking out of my jacket and we talked about bodom, and he gave me the food for free. the best part about it is, that in the area I live in, it is totally rap dominated, so finding a bodom fan is like finding gold. it was pretty sweet. if it was like metallica it would be different cuz everyone knows metallica, but this was kewlz:kickass: :rock:

Awesome.. :) :)

... but what if it had nothing to do with the shirt/the band... and he just wants to fire his torpedo into your rusty sherrif's badge.. :erk: and then for his angry spider swallow your man-meats :erk: :Puke: Never go back to that place again!

j/k... but P.S. EVERYWHERE is dominated by rap.. stoopid lil' poseur ganster phags... and 11yr old sluts. :erk:
-Merrild- said:
you know there is other things to get drunk on?
Duh, beer is cheap though so I can buy it and get drunk off it cheaper than buying alcopops, which taste nice but are more expensive.
I assume "alcopops" are stuff like Bacardi breezer and such, and those don't taste nice after you've had a few. That's why beer is so nice to drink, because it tastes good all the way !
Heartless_Name said:
vodka and coke... :erk: jack and coke :D...

But I drink all my liquor straight without chaser anyways.. I like cowboy style!

But Vodka and Red Bull = Win :D

Dude, I do that too when I want to get super blasted. I chugged a 40 oz of gin and went to go hang out at a swim meet. It was a blast until i puked excorcist style everywhere. :erk:
Rock Hydra said:
But Vodka and Red Bull = Win :D

Dude, I do that too when I want to get super blasted. I chugged a 40 oz of gin and went to go hang out at a swim meet. It was a blast until i puked excorcist style everywhere. :erk:

LOL... Vodka and Red Bull = Drunken heart attack!

but :p yeh, I don't drink that insane.. I'll drink a double shot, maybe a bit over in a scotch glass, then wait a while, and do another. I look cool at parties, but really I'm not drinking as much as they think :p and... LMAO

Projectile vomit, aka, Exorcist puking... :Puke: :Puke: ...been there, done that. When I was like 15 I chugged an OE pretty much, while eating a shitload of hotdogs. When I stood up, I projectile puked ALL over my parent's 2000$ dining table set. Not cool. Cleaning that up all by myself when I was drunk as fuck was not cool... it was actually a HUGE battle to not pass out, lol.