That's the way metal songs are made.
Verse - Chorus - Verse - Chorus - Solo - Chorus.
you listen to porcupine tree. i officially love you.
That's the way metal songs are made.
Verse - Chorus - Verse - Chorus - Solo - Chorus.
i just like smoking pot
but did any one check the band
You're a retard.
COB bashing isn't "cool" anymore. Find something else.
Nightreaper is still a retard for not realizing this years ago, he might as well have made a thread saying that beach sand gets hot.
And you're a 3rd worlderAlso, gb2BH!
Thing is, you TOO are a retard
his mom got scared and said "youre moving with your aunte and uncle in bel-air". I whistled for a cab and when it came near the licenseplate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought now forget it, yo homes to Bel-Air!Not to mention the only reason he doesn't gb2bh, is because he got in one tiny arguement and
lol good point
his mom got scared and said "youre moving with your aunte and uncle in bel-air". I whistled for a cab and when it came near the licenseplate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare but I thought now forget it, yo homes to Bel-Air!
Good, fuck those losers. Well, actually Turbo and Gavin are cool with me, Chris and Knut are cool too. Mostly everyone in factYetti, Yanko, Dilemma, Valerie... Basically just Ralf and Smee are dumbass cocksuckers. And MAN is Smee an ugly whore
She should go back to using drugs:
Is that cow ok? it's sad when animals get hit by cars
Holy fuck, THA in Fredericton?
I shall attend, for shiz.
Why don't you just tell her that then, instead of whining here?