COB in Metal Injection

i liked the interview and the conquer all video. the thing where they said my kid listens to gay music is stupid, they had them listen to dimmu borgir, slipknot and lamb of god. oh yeah, that sure is really metal music.
Enemy242 said:
i liked the interview and the conquer all video. the thing where they said my kid listens to gay music is stupid, they had them listen to dimmu borgir, slipknot and lamb of god. oh yeah, that sure is really metal music.
hah ye... :yuk:

Anyway heres the interveiw!! :)

I'm sitting here with Alexi from children of bodom, Alexi thank you so much for doing this interveiw

Alexi: umm, no problem

Alright cool, first of all how did you guys come up with the name children of bodom?

Alexi: I don't know if you know the story of like bodom.. you do ?

well I do, but all the folks at home...

Alexi: ''laughs''. Bodom is a lake in the town in finnland where we grew up, in the capital of finnland, in the year 1960 there was like this mass murder thing going on, theres a camping area at the lake and 14 agers went camping in there with tents and shit. And when they where sleeping in the tent some dude just came from out of no where, like randomly started stabbing threw the tent, and three of em got killed right away, and one of the guys survived and the killer, well up and till this point never got cought, but now, you know right before we came on this tour like 44 years after, the cops have come up with some new evidence or something like that saying that it was the fourth guy who survived. Wich Is really fucked up cos i mean he had like 10 stab wounds and like a big gash in his head and everything, wich I don't know for me it sounds like..

very bad

Alexi: oh yea dude, thats for sure ''laughs'' but yea I mean that whole story kinda (fissed?) the whole thing we're doing anyways, so..

Alot of fans have been saying how your recent albums tend to shy away from the neo classical stuff that you have in your old albums. How do you guys feel about that? was that like a contious decision or...?

Alexi: It wasn't contious i mean, but it is true though, but it's nothing we just decided to do, it just kinda faded out ya know? It's what happens, we just try to do what comes out naturally, if you constantly try to some thing that doesn't come out naturally then it's just phony and doesn't sound for real. So It just faded out, I'm not saying that it's out forever, but right now it's not

taking a break, thats coo. Also theres been the theme of the grim reaper on your records, are we like going to see 50 feet grim reaper coming up, on one of your tours, eventually?

Alexi: ''laughs'' Let's hope so yea, but I mean I don't think that you know..........

Could we be expecting a head lining Children Of Bodom tour anytime soon ?

Alexi: well umm, Let's hope so...Buy are album and we will, thats the way it is..

come on now people. Alright, seeing as your a heavy drinker, honestly now, how many of those bud's you think it will take before I start looking attractive?

Alexi: Bud lights?? thats never gonna happen dude..

no ?

Alexi: Yea, I need some hard liquire for that shit.

Alright, my originally question was suppose to be asked by a girl, but I think it works better with me..

Alexi: ''laughs'' yea but the thing is with Bud light, it doesn't get anyone drunk, so I mean..

What is your prefered beer of choice? prefered beer...?

Alexi: Let me think, Heinekens is really good, I like the easy going red neck beers anyway, but Bud Light is like isn't too much, but i like MGD or something like that and I mean I (don't?) like Finnish bear, it's a little bit more tasty then american beer, but not like german beer wich I fucking hate..

I see, very cool, thank you so much for doing this interveiw.
zakk_hate_me_666 said:
i thought it was finland. not finnland

U shouldn't be complaining or teasing, but being thankful for the hard work Lake Laiho had!

@ Lake Laiho:Great job! Don't worry about those minor errors (u don't need any grammar!)! ;)
finland*!!! sorry, that was a typo, I swear!!! :loco:

yes, I have to much spare time on my hands, quite funny actually

oh and thanks bebli!!! :)
the conquer all video and interview were only good parts..

And you skipped about 10secs of the interview (typing it up) when they talk about the 50ft reaper and they go on to talk about a 50 inch reaper or a midget reaper... But yea, it's all good.

Haha bud lights. Oh man, Alexi musta been insulted.