CoB interview in Seattle


Best Album of the Year
Dec 13, 2002
Olympia, WA
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Hey guys. I usually post over at the Symphony X forum, but i figured this was relevant enough to post over here. I got an interview with Bodom at the Seattle show. You can read it Here

Just one thing i would like to mention. I have never done an interview that i found out i was doing literally 1 minute before i am sitting in front of the band, so i was completely unprepared. It's short, but i hope you enjoy it.
I didn't arrange the interview actually. I was supposed to interview evergrey (by the way, if you are interested in Evergrey, that interview will be up later this week or next week, depending on how things go) but it got mixed up. basically i got a call saying "the band is ready to do the interview" and i said "great" and he said "you were wanting to interview bodom right?". That was followed by "um... actually, evergrey, but i can do bodom too if you want". So i did. Oh, show review will be on the site probly tomorrow, but there isn't much about bodom as i missed most of their set while interviewing evergrey. Thanks a lot for the feedback though guys!
Oh ok, so chance of luck haha nice. Yeah I've actually never heard Evergrey, I found COB totally by mistake on one of my friends mix cd's so I'm kind of a metal virgin in a way i suppose. But yeah I bought tix to go to their show on Tuesday and surprised my friend with em so from what I hear it will be amazing, I'm excited. :-) The site is the one correct? thanks!
theodyssey said:
I didn't arrange the interview actually. I was supposed to interview evergrey (by the way, if you are interested in Evergrey, that interview will be up later this week or next week, depending on how things go) but it got mixed up. basically i got a call saying "the band is ready to do the interview" and i said "great" and he said "you were wanting to interview bodom right?". That was followed by "um... actually, evergrey, but i can do bodom too if you want". So i did. Oh, show review will be on the site probly tomorrow, but there isn't much about bodom as i missed most of their set while interviewing evergrey. Thanks a lot for the feedback though guys!
ahh you were the guy giving the interview when my guitar got sent in to be signed
was it before or after the show? i was in there before they opened the doors and i didn't see any guitar... maybe it was after i got off or it was hidden somewhere hehehe.
theodyssey said:
was it before or after the show? i was in there before they opened the doors and i didn't see any guitar... maybe it was after i got off or it was hidden somewhere hehehe.
hmm it got in there after iced earth had finished... they said someone was interviewing alexi lol i figured itd be u
killer, thanks, dude! Yeah, that was good for spur of the moment. I had like...awhile to plan for mine...which I promise will be up soon, possibly next week. (Like i said, just wanna make sure it's transcribed right...patience...:D) But it's good to get to read another one done on the tour!
thanks all for the positive feedback. I was nervous as hell because, like i said, never done an interview like that before. I always have something prepared, so this was a first. glad it went over well.
Damn, it took less time to translate the bible. what's the hold up?

Well, i mentioned before, when I do live interviews, as a courtesy to the band member, I let them read it over to make sure it's transcribed correctly. It's just a thing I personally do; it takes a bit longer but I want to make sure i didn't misquote anything. In these cases, it usually means I have to wait till the said interviewee gets back from a tour or whatnot to read it over and let me know.

And you did do a good job for such short notice, dude. I had one of them before(didn't know i had it till right near it.) It can make ya nervous.
especially with bodom. i am a pretty big fan (not my favorite band EVER, but i own all their cds and really like them and shit like that) so i was ok in that respect, but it still makes ya nervous to be sitting with them. Thank god they are the coolest motherfuckers ever.