I checked the Alexi interview on the new Inferno magazine. Just questions about touring and the usual worthless shit. Wish I could interview the guy as nobody can ask the obvious interesting questions. Just randon interviewers who don't even know the band and ask the same questions from every band.
All Alexi said about the new album was that it sounds somewhat different, then again pretty much the same, and that half of the songs are same tempo as AYDY, and half have this old school thrash tempo, and that it surely is heavy.
So of course as I said it's gonna be a little faster and very heavy..
Something funny Alexi revealed:
"Remember I've never been a friend of the internet. We'd just pulled this gig, and I was heading to the tour bus. At the backside of the bus there was some fucking angry-looking large blondie. She suddenly started shouting at my face: where the hell have you been, wtf, we were supposed to meet here and there and then.. I said to her, excuse me but who the fuck are you. It was some stripper from Alaska, who'd agreed a date with "me" on myspace - and obviously I have no myspace sites! She was screaming that she'd lost 3.000$ to get there, and the dude's not interested a bit.. Pretty heavy shit, but you could use your brain."
Bet my ass it was Lady Laiho..