COB Interviews

The Decibel interview:







Really thanks a lot! One of the coolest articles I've seen in time! You know usually articles are: Bodom hail from Finalnd Alexi is great Roope is drunk tracklist Blooddrunk rocks kthxbye. :lol: But this one rocks, :kickass:
Thanx so much for the Decibel article. Had a feeling it'd be good & was worried I'd never get to see it. :)
Now is there any kind person who'd write a translation of the article in the current Sue? Someone was nice enuff to send me a copy, but my Finnish skills are to limited to decipher it!
Pretty much true from what the rest of the world has ever seen, it just so happens he can also play guitar really well, which is why most people like him... same as the rest of the band really.
Now is there any kind person who'd write a translation of the article in the current Sue? Someone was nice enuff to send me a copy, but my Finnish skills are to limited to decipher it!

That Sue article was quite useless so I won't translate that but you'll get translation for article in latest the Soundi magazine some time soon.