COB Interviews

^Nice one.

Roope on the albums, this is true actually:

"when you give it a little time, they start to get a different life and then it kind of sounds better than when they came out."
It seems there´s a new Henkka interview from Montreal show:

Edit: Well I guess it´s easier to put the vids directly in ;)

I wouldn´t have minded if they´d tried to improve the sound, that was a bit hard to understand also in HD and after having messed around with the equalizer quite a bit of time. Of course it would be easier if I could understand the french subtitles :lol:
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I wouldn´t have minded if they´d tried to improve the sound, that was a bit hard to understand also in HD and after having messed around with the equalizer quite a bit of time. Of course it would be easier if I could understand the french subtitles :lol:

Yeah it's very difficult to understand, I'm really glad I'm french right now lol It's a very cool interview, and I like when he speaks french at the end :p
The Swedish Guitar magazine Fuzz ( has an interview with Alexi Laiho in the May issue (a "full size" (not natural size, that is:D) picture of Alexi is on the cover as well). The interview is in Swedish and is kind of a "Children of Bodom for duimmies" article combined with q/a about Alexi's playing style, gear, plans for the future and so on. Interensting parts - among other things- are Alexi describing his rig, his playing style (why passive microphones suite him best), the process of songwriting ... sorry but there is no web link to the interwiev. I have the magazine and if there is interest I might translate/abberiavte the article...
^ It would be great if you could translate it, tack på förhand!

This one Finnish music magazine used to have real size posters back in the end of 80s - beginning of the 90s. I still remember those real size Sabrina, Samatha Fox and Jon Bon Jovi posters :lol: :lol:
Article in Fuzz magazine

OK - here goes (part one) (sorry for mistakes with the english language):

The Finnish metal band Children of Bodom released their eighth album “Bloddrunk” last year and they are almost constantly touring world wide. Fuzz Magazine mamaged to get a chat with lead singer, lead guitarist, frontman of the band, songwriter Alexi Laiho as the band stopped by Stockholm, Sweden while on tour.

(main article – a bit abbreviated):
The history of COB begins in the early 1990:s at Espoo, a Helsinki suburb. “Espoo can be compared to New Jersey”, Alexi says, and continues “Helsinki is a very good place and the music scene is very good, everyone knows one another. Furthermore, I have a hectic time while on tour so it suits me fine to have a place where I can relax”

… a lot of text about COB history and release dates of albums and so on… which is known and therefore skipped by me…

One may wonder what it is that makes Finland such a musically dynamic country, and it may well be that Finland beats Sweden when it comes to metal, with bands as Nightwish, Sonata Arctica and HIM.

COB plays a music which somewhat eludes description, but never the less has a big market share.Whe asked, Alexy replies “Every fucking band makes music their own fucking way. I call our music Metal, that’s it”.

… a bit of reflection from the journalist about the sincerity of Finnish musicians in general and especially of Alexi follows… skipped here…

Alexi grew up in a musical family where music has always been supported. The young Alexi started playing the violin aged 6 - but at 11-12 the guitar was chosen as Alexi’s main instrument. His first guitar was a white Tokai Stratocaster. The turnaround occurred when Alexi heard the record Passion and Warfare by Steve Vai. Alexi started to take guitar lessons and realised that it was the only way to proceed.

“I dropped out of school and got a job building scene rigs, since then everything in my life has evolved around music”, Alexi tells us, and continues “my parents were really cool and more or less said that I could do whatever I wanted If I only got a job. I did not practice much, only 5-6 hours a day, which might be rather much after all”, Alexi tells with a laugh. “That was not the only thing I did, I also liked to hang out with friends, drink beer and go skateboarding”.

To be continued…I hope!