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^ Yeah, the guy is miserable, or was very tired. It's a fact in life if you're that careless then you do not succeed in anything..
ok to sum up...

if i dont correct someone if he writes a song name wrong, i dont succeed anything?

sorry... you're just poor....

btw: you dont know much of humor do ya?
don't fucking bash him if he thinks whoever worte that is fucking retarted. Because hes right. Damn poeple did you even read his posts. a lot of them can be stupid I know but there is no point in bashing him for the ones he has a point in.
Joonas Lehtonen said:
I just get angered when some dumbass writes song names incorrectly.

imisseverygood showbecauseiam5 said:
shut up, no one asked you what you thought.
nor does anyone care.


HomerJ_123 said:
btw: you dont know much of humor do ya?

think before you write, spastic cunt @ imisseverygood showbecauseiam5