Anyone who is a regular, and want to be on the list that will later become the collage, just say "ADD ME PLZ"
Anyone who is a regular, and want to be on the list that will later become the collage, just say "ADD ME PLZ"
Dont bullshit us, you dont have any friends.
10th time you do that and each time is getting funnier*farts*
You are only pissed off because all oldskewl applications are before November 25th 2005.
Security breached!
is that you?
Yeh yeh, cry about it asshole. I was sure I didn't add you cuz I knew if I did you'd cry to Deron, you whiney little bitch. So whatever, don't post in here filling up the thread with your tears. I won't include you so don't worry. This thread is for whoever WANTS to be included (or who doens't want to) to say it. You just expressed your displeasure so fuck off now.
Think of Thumper, Bambi.