a doggy treatJoël says:
fuck im such a smart men
Joël says:
http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/cob-off-topic/272570-cob-ot-quotes.html#post5707138 chek out post #17 im am so smart
Joël says:
i am so smart
Brandon says:
No you aren't
Brandon says:
You posted that in the wrong thread
Brandon says:
What do I win?
Lady Laiho said:Yeah, Alexi finally fucked me and i have his number. He called me!
Lady Laiho said:I'd kill to touch Alexi chest.
Lady Laiho said:Yeah, i know and i don't get why Alexi just doesn't divorce her already but when he meets me and when the time comes to marry me, he'll officailly break up with her. I will get him no matter what. The day will come someday and Alexi will love me with all his heart.
Lady Laiho said:I'm hot enough for Alexi. He'll looooooove me very, very much. When i meet him, he's not going to turn me down. Of course he's going to be drunk, so i can fuck him easily.....no, no, first i will talk to him. And then tell him how i feel. Then if he's says yes or no, i'll fuck him but he better say yes. He'll give me his phone number and we can exchange earrings. Maybe he'll give me a bracelet.
Homage to Satan: Yeah, you do that. It will be so much easier for me to get to Alexi faster and when he loves me , your plan will backfire and if you post it on the internet, the whole world can he that i'm his gf.
Lady Laiho said:I'm doing just fine. And i really will get Alexi. Just you wait and see.
Lady Laiho said:WHHHHATTTT!!!!!!!!! I diddn't believe you but you actually met him!!!!!!!! Are you serious?!!! I FUCKIN HATE YOU!!!!!!! What did you talk about?
Lady Laiho said:I love ALexi, yes i do
He's all for me and not for you
If by chance you take my place
I'll punch you in the face!
Lady Laiho said:I bet there are some other fangirls that want to fuck him too. I just have more of a chance.
Lady_Laiho said:I'm hot enough for Alexi. He'll looooooove me very, very much.
Lady_Laiho said:And then tell him how i feel. Then if he's says yes or no, i'll fuck him but he better say yes.
eh...Ok, there's just FAAAAR too much funny shit that people say here that gets lost in threads, or is said on MSN by people from here, so use this thread to immortalize those comments and let other people who maybe didn't see them get a laugh out of them. Either go back and find shit or, quote new shit here, it can either be from a COBOT thread, or from convos COBOT members have on MSN or something, so yeh, let's start the hilarity.
Here's a good one to start with, it is taken from a MSN convo me and Marcio were having just a few mins ago, it made me laugh:
*After marcio has already been begging me for the Laiho pick I got from the show for a few mins and I keep saying no*
Ψ Marcio Ψ says:
Give me the pick XD
Joe - Bodom was AMAZING says:
I can't, and even if I wanted to my girlfriend would kick my ass
Joe - Bodom was AMAZING says:
Besides, if I did ever give it away, it'd be like to some sick kid with cancer who likes guitar and is a Bodom fan or something
Ψ Marcio Ψ says:
I want cancer now XD
Ψ Marcio Ψ says:
*starts smoking a lot of cigarettes*
Joe - Bodom was AMAZING says:
^ Merry Christmas to you too you grinchy bastard:
Here's a picture of me and one oif my older girlfriends:
Picture doesn't exist, just like his "girlfriend"
Picture doesn't exist, just like his "girlfriend"
i could find it... but you can clearly notice that his girlfriend is "pasted" on the couch.
profanity ain't no photoshop wizard![]()