COB show with Ensiferum in Istanbul?


Jan 31, 2009
near Hoffenheim
Anyone seen this before:İstanbul
I really wonder a) if it's true and b) if it is, does it have something to do with a new European tour...?
Would fit, album out in the beginning of March and a tour starting the same time?

I'd love to see an official confirmation of this.

Edit: On the other hand, I hope it's just a stand alone gig. Can't stand Ensiferum, I'd rather have another band as tour support :p
It would be freaking awesome if they'd tour with Ensiferum, but even if this is true, I don't think it's for a European tour.

Countries like Turkey and Israel are usually a stand alone gig for most bands.
That would be an awesome gig, I just wish it was in the UK, or Finland around July/August :(
cob wait for us :) Turkey will be go crazy

Firstly, that's true that Ensiferum will perform on the stage before COBHC.
Also @predator2353 it shows that you know nothing about Turkish people because if you would know that song isn't a Turkish musician's.Also even i didn't know that song so far but learned that,it's Daler Mehndi's song and that guy is an Indian!In Turkey people don't listen that kind of songs but it seems you know that song very much.:lol:
It shows that you know nothing about Turkey and probably you think Turks don't listen music or if they're listening something it must be something like that.Completely wrong! Also many heavy metal bands came to Turkey and they said their gigs were amazing.
If you don't know anything about something don't do wrong prediction.
Firstly, that's true that Ensiferum will perform on the stage before COBHC.
Also @predator2353 it shows that you know nothing about Turkish people because if you would know that song isn't a Turkish musician's.Also even i didn't know that song so far but learned that,it's Daler Mehndi's song and that guy is an Indian!In Turkey people don't listen that kind of songs but it seems you know that song very much.:lol:
It shows that you know nothing about Turkey and probably you think Turks don't listen music or if they're listening something it must be something like that.Completely wrong! Also many heavy metal bands came to Turkey and they said their gigs were amazing.
If you don't know anything about something don't do wrong prediction.

He also didn't know, that the Turks lack a sense of humour.
I just meant that "this song is completely different!" oh come on! At the least he could say another something.But i really hate this thing that people says Turkey is like Iran - bans this kind of things.
And this song is really funny - i didn't mean it's realy horrible. ;)

If i am wrong,i'm sorry - i didn't want to say anything bad. Just expressed my thought as he did.
Oh,what's that? Kuolevaiselle - are u Turk,right?
Man,why r u nervous about this? I think anybody said "bad" thing or said "you guys are listening this - not metal" .Yeah as people said it's just a funny thing why did u give a react like this?Or if u wanted to say sth at the least u could write in funny way - not serious like this.
I'm a Turk but i didn't think like u.Also u said that u hate these..these..these but now i hate u 'cuz i spent my time for being registered and try to understand why u r nervous! Is that enough to make you relaxed?
Wow, Jesus fuckin... I mean Allah! :lol: I didn't actually expect someone to take this to heart :lol: it was a joke, you know? :lol:
I really didn't understand exactly why he was nervous-about video? man,did u watch the video completely?I'm a blind or you're so nervous. :D Predator2353 i think he understood u wrong. :D I've never laughed to this kinda thing but now.... :D :D
Also hey,i'm not lack of a sense humour. At the least i can laugh to that guy.(Kuolevaiselle -also man,what's the mean of that! I'm sick of to look how to write it. Tiring...)
Well a lot of turkish people listen to that kind of music in the subway (on their mobile phones with speaker on) so...

nevermind :D
Belive what do u wanna belive ...or sth. :D The most important point is "what will COB think about the gig" and "will people have fun" .
Also COB isn't the first heavy metal band who comes to the Turkey. ;D Even i can't list all names of them..because list is very very very long. For exapmle" Behemoth " came to Turkey and nobody listened "Tunak Tunak Tun" in the gig :D :D :D

Anyway,what the hell this topic is being about!

Yeah Istanbul concert is in the gig list.They'll come to there also and i think you heard that in a video.I don't remember which video is that but from new ones.Janne says that "they'll visit new places that they've never visited before for example Turkey "etc.
Naah hes completely right, some of us loves listenin the soft version of tunak tunak tun n the rest likes metal version LMAO ENJOOOY 666 TUNAK TUNAK TUN 666 :'D :'D :D :D


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