CoB Summer Festival appearances

I remember reading a few months ago that Bodom is actually planning on coming back to the states and doing a headlining tour. any word on that?

btw, those of you who got to experience KTS, you guys are lucky ass mofos! :kickass: I hope they keep it for future set lists. says that tourdates for after the summer festival season tba, and yes they said they'd do another US tour and some Japan stuff before going on holidays and starting to work on the new album. Damn you US people, you're really lucky, you get Bodom a lot. Maybe we european fans should stop caring about them and buying stuff for them to come back and play a bit more here. The haven't even done a real full EU tour. It was more a northeuropean tour centered in UK and Germany. Ok ranting is over :lol: says that tourdates for after the summer festival season tba, and yes they said they'd do another US tour and some Japan stuff before going on holidays and starting to work on the new album. Damn you US people, you're really lucky, you get Bodom a lot. Maybe we european fans should stop caring about them and buying stuff for them to come back and play a bit more here. The haven't even done a real full EU tour. It was more a northeuropean tour centered in UK and Germany. Ok ranting is over :lol:

Post LOG Tour / Start of Summer Fests Update from Henkka

New York show was a disaster. Something that we have been always afraid of. And during the last two weeks of the No Fear -tour we were really afraid during every show, we had no idea if Alexi's ribs and shoulder would make it through the set.

Last hit in Hellhounds on my Trail and I saw a guitar flying into Jaska's drum riser. Alexi was gone. I knew that now it was too much, and then back of the stage I saw him, and crew said he can't go on. Its horrible feeling, when there's a couple of thousand fans in New York city waiting for next song. There was nothing we could do though... It sucks.

Two weeks of rest and we rehearsed again, and it seemed better. The shoulder is fully healed, but a broken rib is still hurting when singing. First show since "NYC disaster" was to be in Gelsenkirchen, Germany, Rock Hard -festival. Before the show we just had to hope for the best, that everything would go ok. During the show I saw that he was gonna make it, even though still not able to move normally, but the look in Alexi's face was totally different than during the last days of the tour. We pulled it off, and German crowd was good, as it always is in Rock Hard. Thanks everybody who was there! Next week, we go to Pohjanmaa, Seinäjoki where Provinssi-rock is held. Looking forward, crazy drunken Finns and almost nightless nights.

Thanks sleeper! Somehow hard to read about that NYC show :erk:

K-man also put some news on! Thanks man!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009
First festival down, 6 to go.

I have to say I'm supper happy on how well this gig went. Alexi did great even with still having a broken rib. From what he told, his shoulder is for the most part healed but still has himself a nicely busted rib (ouch, been there done that. It's no fucking fun.). The show it's self was real good band had a lot of fun so did thew whole crew and I hope the crowd did too. The festival was very well staffed and organized. Best part of my day was with 15 min's before change over this insanely drunk and super tall dude was trying to come off stage and thought Alexi's mic and stand were the hand rail. He took a huge header into my rack, spilt his beer all over me, my rack, and a few other things. Best thing is he some how managed to roll his ass under the stage and could not figure out how to get out ;0 fucking dumbass!

Anywho, gig got done, we packed, did a little drinking at the dressing room and then headed back to the hotel. I was sitting next to this Finn (I don't know how he ended up with us but what ever) we started talking and come to find out he flew down last second to see his brother play the next day. He had nowhere to crash and he was hammered so I said he could just crash out on the couch in my hotel room. So we went drop our shit off in my room and went down to the bar where he ended up passing out in a chair surrounded by a bunch a random Germans. Funny shit to look at. Fortunately for his ass nobody was fucking with him.

Woke up the next day, did some food, packed, and headed off to the airport. Allu and I busted off a couple beers on the drive and then headed over to the bar to kill a bit more time before leaving. The flight was good, allu and I just had a couple drinks and bull shitted the whole way. Got home played some Wii and chilled. I think I was in bed by 8pm (that's rock).

And there Ya have it :)

Later Freaks, K-Wiz
Are You Dead
In Your Face
Bed Of Razors

Shit, I think I'll have to cancel an important party and go for a show ^^
Indeed a pretty interesting setlist if you have them near you. I'm still thinking about going to Metalway, but I don't wanna go to see a short opener setlist and pay 100€ for lame Baron Rojo to play 5 hours and chop Bodom's setlist.
im desperately tring to set up a holiday in finland during the ruisrock festival im damn close to it hope there wont be any unexpected staff though i'll be seing them for the first time i'll be really disappointed if i cant go :-/ who else is coming to ruisrock?
Sounds like an awesome encore! Bet they were glad to play at home, I´m looking forward to some pics or more vids. BFH is already up too, sounds pretty nice :)