Hopefully Bodom plays in MN when they come here.
slayer is the worst live!!! especially now! Toms voice sucks mega trash horrible shit dong wampum asoiudhsa.
never really liked slayer, i bought reign in blood when it came out first on record (yes we had records back then)

kerry's solos always sounded like a broken lawnmower to me (never really compared each solo, are they actually different from each other?) , and tom cant sing/scream, jeff's guitars always seemed to have a little nazi scheme to them :)

lamb of god, hmmmm, riffs sound ok i guess, i tend to throw them new bands all in one pot, trivium, nevermore, god forbid, killswitch, etc. some might hate me for that, but to me they ALL sound the same, angry kids music muhahahaha

Maybe I'm too old for this shit

Man the last Bodom show I went to in November 05, all them kids, if I go see a concert, I wanna SEE the band and enjoy them playing right in front of me, I'm not going there moshpitting, wouldnt be to fair anyway to kick somebodys ass whos half your age :loco:
odinzfate said:
i tend to throw them new bands all in one pot, trivium, nevermore, god forbid, killswitch, etc. some might hate me for that, but to me they ALL sound the same, angry kids music muhahahaha

id agree with everything except the killswitch engage thing. IMO theyre the only band in that genre (which i dont even consider them a part of) that actually has talent when it comes to writing music. everything else i agree with
dilema1362 said:
id agree with everything except the killswitch engage thing. IMO theyre the only band in that genre (which i dont even consider them a part of) that actually has talent when it comes to writing music. everything else i agree with
I totally agree KsE are semi talented musicians and can write good lyrics and music.
I cant stand Metal-Core but I like them.
I think this sounds like a good time. Tickets may go fast seeing as it could be an alternative to ozzfest for some. I can't wait to see the dates.
zakk_hate_me_666 said:

Well yeah because it's over there. I've seen Slayer, Bodom and Lamb of God live before but I still want to see them again.

I don't know what people are talking about when they say Toms voice sucks, the last time I heard it was Download Festival 2005, it sounded fine then.
Hopefully they play again this year and I'll get to hear it.
odinzfate said:
lamb of god, hmmmm, riffs sound ok i guess, i tend to throw them new bands all in one pot, trivium, nevermore, god forbid, killswitch, etc. some might hate me for that, but to me they ALL sound the same, angry kids music muhahahaha

Nevermore? Metal-core?