Cob - ?

ahahhahahaha not all of it was lke that.... if you were into the other scenes there was a very popular Thrash scene... they just didnt show it on the trendy MTV....
tempestadiossa you have to remember alot of the people that are on this board are not christians..... if you see something like this just ignore it dude.... it doesnt do any good to get all pissed off..
Originally posted by tempestadiossa

And try to have a little more respect towards the catholics browsing the board, please.
Yeah, I try to get fucked with some respect for catholics... no wait, now Im confused...
i´m getting a bit off-topic

i just went to a barbecue restaurant in a jewish neighborhood here in Sao Paulo. I just HAVE to go over there again with a kipa (i wonder if i spelled it right, for those who didn´t understand or don´t know what it is, its that funny "hat" jews use), my curled hair and my nose pointing down and eat JUST PORK! euhaeuhaeh

Damn i´m bored :lol:
Originally posted by Kuvasz
Everyone has got rights to choose something to believe in or not. As they have rights to be respected.
Of course you're right. My intention was not to disrespect any christian, I guess I just went overboard with my anger... Im sorry if I offended you or anyone else
heheeh you alwasy seem to do this NV
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
yeah like I have room to talk hahahahahahaha
Lol I wouldn't ever apologize to bashing a Christian's beliefs... it's such absolutely ridiculously bullshit that I can't help but laugh at and pity them for blindly following such a stupid religion. I think that about most religions though. Some aren't nearly as bad, though, like Buddhism. But religions like Islamic and Christianity have killed countless numbers of people over the stupidest reasons (who's made-up story is right and tr00). :mad: And are still up to their same-old innocent butchering today!
@ Bodomite: I wasnt drunk when I wrote that, when Im drunk it's easy to tell... I either get depressed or in some ridiculous good mood :p

My best friend for years was a christian girl and we had some very interesting talks about that. The whole problem begins at the point that you cannot know whether God exists or not. There's theories you can believe in or not, that's all. You decide for yourself whether you believe in God and whether you find the story of him having created Earth and the Universe more probable than Darwin's Evolution Theory. You make up your own, subjective opinion on the matter and you don't have any proof about your theory being true at all.
Saying that some religion is bad only because of slaughtery having happened in its name is rather stupid. That's like saying the germans of our time are still guilty of having murdered the jews or the americans are still guilty of having murdered the indians... that's bullshit. The religions of those days are not the religions of today anymore and even if being a christian has to do with being convinced something is right while being of some nationality is not, it's still not a valid point.
My friend is maybe the most intelligent and tolerant person I've ever met and she definitely spent a lot of time thinking about it.
I dont agree with most of the christian ideology, but when you care to take a closer look you find that what they say isnt plain stupid but actually fits very well to a complete image... Only because you didnt know what they mean, or didnt understand why God is said to act this or that way doesnt mean it's stupid, so better not call it so before you didnt take a closer look ;)
There are however enough contradictions that make me doubt the whole thing, so presently I find myself an atheist. That doesnt mean that I wouldnt change to believing in "some God" like the big unknown out there or some other's religion's God. But I know that being an atheist fits very well with my person and personal beliefs so changing that is rather unlikely...
honestly, i don´t believe much in Christ being god that came to earth and all. I just think that at least lot of what he preached (i know you´ll say suposedly) were good things you know?
The problem with 90% of people is that they have to believe in something to not go berserk and do lots of shit, or not kill themselves.
So i think the world would be better WITH religion then WITHOUT it. There are a lot of weak minded people that don´t do shit just because they think they would go to hell. And if they didn´t belive that, they WOULD do shit.

I totally respect atheism, i totally respect religion.
And i think people should do the same thing.
It´s what NV said: one of the coolest things to do is sit down and talk open mindly with people with different beliefs.

btw, nv, so you were drunk when you actually laugh at one of my jokes? :lol: