Cobhc fan club

dam... i want free stickers... so whos gonna make em? im going for follow the reaper cover art on them.
Lady_Laiho, you're really freaking me out.

if you want Children of Bodom stickers, just buy sticker paper and print out bodom related crap on it. That's what I do. And for T-shirts, just get iron-on paper and print stuff out then voilia! I did that with a t-shirt I wanted. I wanted a shirt that said 'band' and my dad thought I'd never wear it again. I proved him wrong ^_^
I'll do anything he wants me to do.

Sixpounder: Haha, cool! I should do that. I really want Alexi's face on my shirt and the COBHC logo on my pants.
I wouldn't say there was one either, but I feel that maybe, just maybe, you should be a big enough fan to not need to be in the fanclub just to show them and everyone else you're a fan. You shouldn't need that type of publicity.
^'s the same thing as wearing a whole bunch of their merchandise. Some people want to show off how much their a fan by wearing all their stuff and when another person is a fan and doesn't wear their stuff, that person calls you a poser when they're probably a poser. It fuckin pisses me off.