Cobhc fan club

^My account isn't fake!!!! It's real! I'm not making anything up.

Miracle Man: yah, i gave Janne my number to give to Alexi but i know he'll never call. But i'll still give him my number, just in case.
Just show your self on a picture...then i belive your true...or else your just some moron who has nothing else to do then make a fake account....
lol no he proably burned it and did an exorsism to make sure it hade left him lol. and why do i not believe anything that comes out of her mouth? everything she says sounds like bullshit.......go die....please..
Everyone listen to Sock PUppeT! I only pm'ed to Janne. And Nicotini, yeah, i can't go to shows and if i met Janne in person, i wouldn't talk about Alexi the way i do. He might think i'm a freak and keep me away from Alexi.

wear can i join cobhc`s fan club?


You, sir, are a homosexual. :loco:

[From Wikipedia's article on COB]

They {Children of Bodom} often refer to themselves and their fans as the "Hate Crew".

Technically you're in if you're a fan, I guess. :goggly:

Fan = Fan
Club = Organization
Fan + Club = fanclub

As for wearing it, you could always take a hot iron and burn COBHC into your forehead. Or you could just get a tee shirt.

Of course if you mean where...well, I don't think there's a specific place (Finland, maybe) to join it, you're a member if you're a fan. But I've got a feeling you're just a dumb troll, so I guess you're not in. :goggly:

Although I have heard that you can get in by standing on your head and having liquor poured down your throat until it comes out your nose. Wanna try? :heh:
^ Would you do it? I know i would do that to be part of their hatecrew. Anything to be with Bodom and Alexi. I'd take a hotiron and burn it into my arm. What kind of idiot would burn it into their forehead?