Cobhc fan club

hey, but I have a pics of Lady_Laiho! She send me this pics a while ago but I have it in my computer...

wait a min...


Man where the hell it is...


Here it is:


Chop: I'm not ugly. if i were ugly, then I just don't want to post a pic of myself....maybe sometime later.

and OMGFG, i LOVE that pic of ALexi. i already have it. That's my hot, sexy man.
Lady_Laiho said:

Chop: I'm not ugly. if i were ugly, then I just don't want to post a pic of myself....maybe sometime later.

and OMGFG, i LOVE that pic of ALexi. i already have it. That's my hot, sexy man.

1. Learn to quote.
2. So you are ugly then, as you haven't posted a picture.
Lady_Laiho said:

Chop: I'm not ugly. if i were ugly, then I just don't want to post a pic of myself....maybe sometime later.

and OMGFG, i LOVE that pic of ALexi. i already have it. That's my hot, sexy man.

yeah you are picture or else ugly...this "maybe sometime later" is pure bull shit imO!!
Since this thread has deteriorated anyways! Enjoy this re-post:

Stun said:
What do you think the songs are about?
OK, you want to know what they're about... I'll tell you:

Are you dead yet?: is a quote taken from the time Alexi stabbed the shit out of Lezzy Laiho and then held her under water for 5 minutes straight for being a dumb bitch fangirl. Unfortunately he thought she was and left before the job was finished...

Bastards of Bodom:
is about all the assholes who call themselves CoB fans but then bash Alexi/the band and bitch and moan about how they don't have skills anymore.

Bed of Razors: is about a night Alexi fell asleep while shaving.

Bodom Beach Terror: is about one occasion when the band was relaxing on the sand, swimming and soaking in some rays, and then right in front of them some fat old douche's speedo slipped off.

Living Dead Beat: is about smelly homeless people, deal with it!

Needled 24/7: is also about Lezzy Laiho, and how she must shoot heroin constantly if she really believes Alexi gives a shit about (and will someday meet and marry) her.

Next in Line: is about Alexi and the guys fucking a bunch of groupies one night.

Red Light in my Eyes, part I: is about some gig where there was a fag with a laser pointer in the crowd.

Red Light in my Eyes, part II: is about Alexi and the boys stopping mid-song and kicking the ever-loving shit outta that same fag.

Sixpounder: is Henkka's nickname he got after fucking 6 chicks at once.

Taste of my Scythe: is a simply about another way of saying 'Suck my dick'.

Towards Dead End: is about the time the band slipped the tourbus driver some acid and he thought a brickwall at the end of the street was some gateway to another dimension and hit the gas.

Triple Corpse Hammerblow: is about this one time they brought Lezzy Laiho to a graveyard and tricked her into digging up three bodies and then convinced her to suck them all off like a giant chicken eating some grain. Just violently smashing her face into them with the dicks in her mouth.

You're Better off Dead: is again, yet another song dedicated to Lezzy Laiho, since she'd be in a better as a lifeless corpse, strung upside-down at a carnival to be shot at by people for fun (AKA the Mussolini treatment).

Lady_Laiho said:
......I wish he'd write a song just for me or dedicate a song to me.
If you read the stuff above, you'll see there's plenty songs about you. Feel proud!

P.S. I hope this was helpful to you and answers your question!


They closed the other thread this was on, so *hijacks this thread*
Authentic Metalhead said:
^ Why did you re-post all that?

Ionna, I wanted people to laugh? Plus they closed the other thread it was on. And like, I thought it was better than people arguing with Lady Laiho, more entertaining anyhow. SO I chose the most unimportant thread far from the original topic, and reposted! If it pisses anyone off, just tell me and I'll delete it. I truly didn't think anyone would care!