Steel Nail

New Metal Member
Mar 26, 2005
Thanks god that there is CHILDREN OF BODOM!!!Your music is the music for real men!But unfortunatly not all men are men in modern Europe.There is a great amount of unisex music and unisex people around us such as BWO,Franz Ferdinant,Blur,Keiserchiefs and girls and boys pop bands(and many many many many many other MTV`s clones).
I think COBHC`s music is necessary shock theraphy for modern europinian young generation. :cool:
:hotjump: Your`re discovered!!!You are the leader of WORLD GAY POWER!!!You are dump and stuipid scottish ram!!!
delete this thread, it's not about COB, but about a stupid ass who says you're dumb, cause you're from...
What the fuck?
C'mon, Steel Nail, I'm from Hungary! How dumb am I?

Shagoroth said:
delete this thread, it's not about COB, but about a stupid ass who says you're dumb, cause you're from...
What the fuck?
C'mon, Steel Nail, I'm from Hungary! How dumb am I?


Who's COB?
I didn`t want to quarrel with -Gavin-,I just answered to his rude!!!And about my spelling-I am not englishman.
My message is about that COBHC plays fantastish music.