Cobra's Kiss (All Girl Aussie Rock)

Mostly for myself dude, nothing paid except the Decimatus job.. Just to play with new toys and try some different things really :)
Fuck oath :p No expectations and no deadline.. just a ham sandwich, a bottle of Pear rekordelig and a sunny day with Cubase and chick rock! :p
Funny, I was hammering Skyrim last night with a bottle of that. Today has been mostly about checking what ridiculous amp/cab/mic combos Eddy sent over for a radio rock project... made some interesting discoveries, as usual!

Anyway man, enough derailing. Cool mix, will you be doing their final, or is that for Rick?
Skyrim.. I have it.. I now have the time.. But I'll lose myself in it lol! Level 6 in 2 hours so far :S
Cheers, nah! Rick is apparently doing it, but I'm going to see if I can talk him out of it and let me do it.. It's like a 3 song demo or some shit, pro-bono... People seem to be attracted to gimmicks etc, and maybe an ALL GIRL band would be a nice thing to tack my AE noose on haha.

I quite like the song too, so that helps :p

Cheers dude!
I hope they're hot... 'cause I didn't really like the singer. Mix wise, this is really good. Talent-wise, not so much. Sorry to voice my opinion like this but at least it's an honest one. Too much fake vibrato and no balls (even though it's a chick, you know what I mean).
Nice mix, sounds really pro on these headphones! They should hire you, man.
Were the guitars a mic'd recording?
WOah! Totally should have checked this thread haha. I've been really busy :S.

@Fael: It's ok dude, say it how you see it, I always believe honesty is key. Well apparently, the vocals were pretty much for Demo purposes. I did some tuning etc and voiced my opinions to her myself as we are good friends. She knows the issues with it but at least she can go back and fix them which is great.

Drums came out ok considering they are programmed, i won't complain too much but I would have preferred a drummer programmed them, I'm pretty sure my mate (who's actually mixing this) programmed them and he's a guitarist.

@Pickasso: Cheers dude haha, I appreciate it heaps. Well we are all good friends, hence them giving me the raws to play with. Her fiance' is the one mixing it, who's also a good friend of mine so I'm trying to help him with it.

The guitars as far as I know are a Boss SD-1?? -> 2010 dual recto -> 4x12 -> SM57 -> Safesound P1 Considering the raw tone I got, I'm pretty happy with what I managed. Helps that the guitarist is really tight, she made it easy. The bass helps a lot to, Fender Jazz I think

Thanks again guys :)