Cochise cover by band at college.


Nov 24, 2010
Livingston, Scotland. UK
I recorded this band from the Hnc music course at my college because they needed a recording of their playing for their graded unit.

The cover is restructured and short as its to showcase their playing,
They where really really tight and it was a good recording session. Guitar player and bassist where really tight and the drummer constantly smashed the drums when he hit them and had really good timing. [:

Anyway bit more about the track, It was recorded into a Toft desk. The Kick(D112 and somson mic's), snare(57) and overheads(2 Co2's) are real, There's a sample backing up the Floor tom(Md421), no rack toms unfortunately.

There was a outboard compressor (Dbx) on the kick and an outboard noise gate (Drawmer) and compressor(Dbx again) on the snare.

Guitars and bass are all one of those kidney shaped pods.

Let me know what you guys think as I mixed and mastered this and I'm completely new to mastering haha.