CockWave 2004 -Athens...are you insane??

They deleted my response... but the answer is soon.

Mr. MagS(ec) and I are going to Athens...

Mr. Mags is going to help me win over either Sakis or the bassist of Rotting Christ (whoever likes me better). :p Whoever wishes to help me in my heist can. :p
They deleted my question too, that's why i posted it again. :p
Well, i can help you too, i'll lure them to your direction and leave them alone with you, how does it sound? ;)
That sounds great. :D but only the two I mentioned. The other guys are married or I'm not interested. Then I could see who pays the most attention to moi out of the two, as I like attention.... um, yeah...

but I may get nervous... *I'll drink some alcohol before, just some not a lot*
/need to work on major plans... like what will I wear and what perfume will I use...
mousewings said:
need to work on major plans... like what will I wear and what perfume will I use...
I'd start worrying about the ticket, the time, and the money first..
What sort of perfume you wear will probably not matter much if you're still an ocean-and-a-half away from the man

And look just how much we've deviated from the topic...
So yeah, cockwave...
what a crappy line-up, ah?
We ought to have DT pull out of there and organize a show of their own in the vicinity..
(after we've dealt with helping mousewings in her endeavours, of course :P )
Hahaha. I just remembed the festival's name is Cockwave. What do you expect from a thing with such a name. Speak of a Boondocks moment, the name of the festival could offend people. :p

@Mr. Mags: you're right. I have the money and more. I could even afford to send roses to the guy. I'm planning ahead for clothing choices.... There's the small issue of convincing my workplace and my parents that I have to travel alone to Greece. And later explaining why I'm with a guy who is 11 years older than me to everyone. :p Which band member should I choose anyways? The singer or the bassist...? :p

How's Mr. Mags going to Athens? Via flu powder or gryphon?
@mouse: the actual name of the festival is Rockwave. But Cockwave would have been more appropriate for a lot of reasons. :p
Oh, it is... :lol: that makes more sense. Cockwave is a ridiculous name for the fest. I expected it to be a place with the Darkness and BSB and stuff.

I'd still call it Cockwave... or popwave.

Rockwave... Popwave.

I wanna visit Athens. :(
Floo powder (spelt it wrong before) is magical powder used to transport people via fireplaces to any place in the world.

Find a fireplace in NY, dust some powder in there, and then you're at a fireplace in Athens.

I haven't been able to find any. :(

Popwave. Hehe.
if it was named cockwave running wild would have been a must on the line-up. alongside stratovarius, sonata arctica, and luca turilli of course.
rahvin said:
i'm sure i could meet luca turilli in the streets if i wanted to. only, i don't go out at night riding a dragon, so we wouldn't get along that well.
oh, you shouldn't give up so easily, you just have to look at him with dreamy eyes and show him that you wear a hairy leather armor under your shirt while you look at him with your best knowing look. say your hair were cut so short in a mighty battle and he'll invite you to ride his dragon together :grin: