I can't believe I'm the only one to mention this, but I personally think it's fucking retarded watching a guy sitting at his desk talking at a camera for the first 25 minutes. I would so much rather read all of that in text form, or if it had to be a video, put in more pictures/transitions (say what you will about his hysterically wrong advice, but at least the almighty Tad's videos cut to different places and pics), but for the love of god, this is like one of those youtube videos of some guy responding to another video ranting about his stance on it.
That being said, however, now that I've watched it, I don't find him to be too overbearing with his opinions; in fact, after reading this, I was surprised at how tactful he seemed to be, always making an effort to say "in general" and "many people like [blah], they sound great, but they can be [blah], but [blah2] is great, so try that out." I think it was really cool of him to do this, and obviously its implicit that he's speaking his opinions garnered from his experience; if some "n00b" is too retarded to figure that out, than fuck him (the n00b, that is).
The only thing that struck me as completely wrong was setting all the knobs to zero on a Tube Screamer - drive is one thing, but unless he wants the pedal to actually attenuate some of the signal and be a crazy LPF, I'd say zeroing the level and tone would be inadvisable! Also, suggesting that people use two mics and not even mention using just one kinda bothered me; I know I certainly don't wanna fuck with dealing with the phase now, and I certainly wouldn't want to when I was [even more of] a n00b. And yes, his terminology errors (cone/paper instead of dustcap/cone, GC75 instead of G12T75, etc.) were very trying, but people will figure it out.
Oh yeah, and the fact that he says "Mmmbut
yadda yadda yadda"